
Oh and also because WW1 like the conflicts today are orchestrated by Zionists and their puppets?

Juden who are puppets to globalists such as Soros will never respect the USA and only intend to destroy it.

Very stupid thing to say, considering Wonder Woman is far from a third wave feminist type of character, she believes in equality for ALL people, and stands for compassion and understanding instead of the ridiculous grudge blue haired, obese, hairy armpit lesbian feminazis hold against straight white men.

Yes she is. Many fans wanted that mannish Carano or the much less charismatic Jaimie Alexander, but Gal Gadot for sure out does them.

Since Trump took office, the DOW has been on the upswing, consumer confidence has returned, and hundreds of thousands of jobs have been created, as well as illegal immigration gone down by 70%. These are things that favor EVERYBODY. Now I want to know why people like you keep voting for leaders who keep your black

Funny, because it’s the Democrats who kill people to keep them from spilling the beans about all the corruption going on within the party ;)

No, NOBODY should be making those threats, except that within the leftist vermin movement it is encouraged in the belief you are “fighting for tolerance and progress”. So fuck you and the bitch that shat you out of her AIDS diseased hairy snatch.

You sure don’t seem to have a problem with leftists threatening to blow up the white house or threatening to rape Melania Trump. So fuck you.

A Trump joke. So original and subversive. You sure are the resistance, and it’s not like the entire mass media and establishment have you as part of their globalist agenda

Bryan Menegus, why are you defending pedophilia? Pizzagate has not been debunked, the more one research the more circumstantial evidence appears. Why are you against protecting children from pedophiles? Are you a pedophile?

It’s sad how obsessed blacks still are about race in, get over it already.

Ewww. Obese people shouldn’t cosplay. So stupid and ugly. Time to grow the hell up and stop being such losers.

I hope you liberals remember that it was Obama who was pushing for it...

Creator of what? Sex slaves? Because otherwise you wouldn’t know for sure. I’m going by the stories from actual people who’ve escaped the sex trafficking industry.

Awesome but unrealistic. People (children) born into sexual slavery are kept chained and caged like calves, like cattle :(

Beth, you are the reason why sites like Gawker end up failing. You try to turn a sci fi and geek culture site into SJW pinko vermin feminazi site. We hate you, you are what’s wrong with this country

Maybe because WW knows men don’t like obese feminazis or tranny looking feminazis like you Beth.

True, who would want to hire someone who sounds like after 12 years of education cannot speak proper English.

Captain Marvel (Marvel) will NEVER be iconic as Wonder Woman, neither will Ms Marvel, Mockingbird, etc. Comic geeks might know of them, but the general population has no idea who they are, even most people don’t really know/remember Black Widow by name!

Men are monsters...yet women like you feel nothing when murdering their unborn children or falsely accusing a man of rape and ruining his life.