
Will zombie dragon breathe fire or ice?

I actually have a headcanon theory for this, if it helps?

Cersei was incompetent because, for too long, she was fuelled by passion and resentment. The former particularly.

Soo...yea...not true. I hate the idea of slavery on multiple levels, but this is a straight up lie. When Europeans landed in Africa, they pretty much took advantage of a system that was already in place. Yes, we cranked it to 11 with little regard for anything but profit and efficiency as we are wont to do, but we

Well, that ain’t creepy, not one bit.

Um, no.

That you are a horse faced frigid feminazi lesbo leftist doesn’t mean all women can’t be sexy and attracted to men and NEED men. Women seek out resources, men seek out youthful fertility, that’s the way of nature, it’s a fact, like there are only two sexes, male and female, everything else is mental illness. Deal with

That Belle doll is GODDAMN creepy!

The only ones with the right to enter the USA are USA citizens, for everybody else it is a privilege. Or what, do you think Canada doesn’t have immigration laws and just let anybody cross over? Ha!

Oh fuck off, you leftist vermin sucked on Obama’s balls for 8 years, when he left the country a MESS, and now you cannot stop whining about the new administration that is barely starting.

What would be your response if someone did this to Obama? Deplorable, Racist even?

I definitely think the woman in the mask is Doctor Poison. And Danny Huston is either Ares or the Duke of Deception if they are going for classic Golden Age villains.


That's a fair assessment. At least legally. You can do whatever you want on cable. If you feel it is too extreme or violent or bad, don't watch it and cancel your subscription.

Boo-fucking-hoo ! It’s a fucking medieval fantasy snuff show, rape is part of it, grow up and get over it, it's not like the actress was raped in real life.

Now playing

His name is Taric and gems are TRUELY outrageous.

Pssst. here’s a little secret. For everyone of those fabulously dressed gays you see in the big cities there are 10 more frumpy ones that go unnoticed. It’s all a diversion. We are hiding everywhere.

Real Talk: I find that io9 has become a much more bitter site over the past year. Maybe its the lack of open channel, maybe its the lack of recaps, maybe its the shift in who works there, maybe its the Gizmodo partnership, but this site has become a lot more bitter.

I thought the enchantress’ motives were crystal clear; She’s an ancient goddess/demoness of lust, she was worshipped 6000+ years ago at a time the most advanced technology was the wheel, then she gets a host after sleeping for who knows how long and becomes a human’s slave/pet, so she resents humans and wants to

Am I a bad person to want back at least SOME eye candy? I am all for more female characters, I just wish they were their own instead of replacing the dudes we know. Representation is good but I am also reading superhero comics for the well-built guys and I feel kinda disappointed by the state of things right now, do I

i prefer Garbage Pail Kids