
Soo...yea...not true. I hate the idea of slavery on multiple levels, but this is a straight up lie. When Europeans landed in Africa, they pretty much took advantage of a system that was already in place. Yes, we cranked it to 11 with little regard for anything but profit and efficiency as we are wont to do, but we

Oh fuck off, you leftist vermin sucked on Obama’s balls for 8 years, when he left the country a MESS, and now you cannot stop whining about the new administration that is barely starting.


Since the Major has an artificial body, she technically could look like anyone she wanted to. So, there’s that... I guess.

Indeed, people in the US are whining about laws preventing men from using women's bathrooms, rather than focusing on helping a country where a female rape victim can be the one the law/relatives have beaten/killed.

Americans should realize how good they have it compared to most of these middle eastern countries. We’re too busy whining about Tracer’s sexual butt.

Nothing like having a women’s video game convention in a country where women have no rights.

Calling Stoya’s statement defamatory means exactly that, “I did not rape Stoya and I can prove it in court.” It seems bloodless to a lay person, but it’s the strongest way of calling a person a liar that lawyers can deploy.

It’s 100% John Waters type of humor. Dark and sick and really great if that is what you like (For the record, I Do). I personally loved it. But I get why those that don’t, don’t.

I don’t understand why someone didn’t just say something.

Except the one about the Jesus statue. That would have been awesome, and since Jesus was all about feeding the poor, I would have boxed up his meal and eaten it myself later after they left. After all, he wants people to eat his body, I don’t think he’d be pissed if someone ate his entree instead.

They only brought Jesus to dinner with them so they could get free wine.


He’s a Lear and she’s a Lady Macbeth.

I hope I never get famous. My first album was the A-Teens debut when I was five.

The worst part is, them existing in the lowest caste means theres almost a 100% chance they’ve already been raped and exploited dozens of times.

So fucking beautiful

He’d totally play this as ‘she was so crazy and unstable that I didn’t have the heart to be mean to her but she just wasn’t letting go’

Wow, some of her other posts on this are really heartbreaking:

“died by suicide” has to be one of the sloppiest phrases I’ve heard in awhile. You commit suicide or you kill yourself. Suicide is a motive, not a method.