
No! It would be SJW garbage

Immigrant twist...of course the Hollywood Jews would try to push their white genocide, mass immigration, globalist, Marxist agenda.

Why are they making Captain Marvel look like an ugly dyke or FTM he-she-it?

This season is pure leftist, autistic screeching. It’s hilarious! It has to be a self parody of the self and their ridiculousness.

IO9 decided to turn into another leftarded feminazi SJW site instead of sticking to Geek stuff. Soon it will go the way of Gawker.

I loved the first Black Canary EP, I’m glad they are releasing a second one. IDW should have done one for Jem & The Holograms, and they did a music video with the comic book art, but the vocals were so off pitch it was a joke

And the only thing negroes like you are good for is picking cotton

Because nobody in the real world cares about “whitewashing” except for leftist vermin (Daily reminder you LOST the election for, among other things, your identity politics crap). The Japanese don’t have a problem with it, so why do you?

No Nagger, this Brown Homosexual sure doesn’t regret voting for Trump as he’s actually doing something for the economy, national security and immigration. So take your dirty 85 IQ average ass back to Africa if you don’t like it.

Bullshit article by Leftist vermin. White supremacists, Neo-Nazis, KKK are all repugnant, but Antifa and the violence THEY started is no better. Have you forgotten about all the violence seen in protests across rallies last year? They sure as hell weren’t the white supremacists, neo-nazis and KKK, but leftists such as

So glad you’re gone, we’ve had it with your feminazi bullshit. You’ve turned a good site into leftist loony central. Please lose weight, find yourself a good man who isn’t a damn cuck, have lovely white children and be happy instead of continuing as a man-hating harpy

Why do they draw her as if she’s downs syndrome? Bizarre... SJW Marvel is such garbage. Do they really think female comic book readers wanna be unattractive?’s not as if leftism and forced diversity are the dominating force in media and entertainment...

Why...Because “Diversity”? LMAO

Oh for fuck sakes, you blacks and your delusions and paranoia. No wonder you can’t accomplish a damn thing, too focused on “OMG EVERYBODY HATES ME!” instead of on your goals and purpose. And yes, we fucking hate you because all you do is whine, even though you create most of the problems within your own community.

Will she also be a humorless feminazi dyke like in her latest run?

Because they planned for me, unlike your parents who had you because they couldn’t control themselves. Good news though, you are a survivor :) the wire hanger your mom kept poking you with didn’t kill you, but at least that’s how you got to be a good dancer (twerker).

Disgusting! Why would she want to be black...

This is the kind of madness that passes for news articles by feminazis

Oh, you beth and your third wave “feminism”. Diana doesn’t say she’s “No man” and that’s why she can cross/will cross No-man’s-land, she simply says she must do it (for the innocent people suffering on the other side). You quite simply don’t get the character. Wonder Woman isn’t about humiliating men to uplift women,