
Oh you leftist vermin are so fucking obsessed, it’s sad.

Men seek out youthful fertility, women seek out resources and being taken care of. Deal with it.

That you are a horse faced frigid feminazi lesbo leftist doesn’t mean all women can’t be sexy and attracted to men and NEED men. Women seek out resources, men seek out youthful fertility, that’s the way of nature, it’s a fact, like there are only two sexes, male and female, everything else is mental illness. Deal with

Canada is a socialist cuck shit hole. Beth, you love that shit and hate Trump, why haven’t you left yet? I hear they love feminazis and effeminate men in Canada

in Japan the live action movie got pretty good reviews, most people praising SJ for LOOKING EXACTLY LIKE THE ANIME! - It seems it’s only in America where SJW, feminazis and Asian-Americans who aren’t even of Japanese ancestry who feels they must whine about it.

in Japan the live action movie got pretty good reviews, most people praising SJ for LOOKING EXACTLY LIKE THE ANIME!

The only ones with the right to enter the USA are USA citizens, for everybody else it is a privilege. Or what, do you think Canada doesn’t have immigration laws and just let anybody cross over? Ha!

Oh fuck off, you leftist vermin sucked on Obama’s balls for 8 years, when he left the country a MESS, and now you cannot stop whining about the new administration that is barely starting.

Everywhere not colonized by whites is a shit hole. NEXT!

Or better yet, educate your kids on the dangers of handling a gun, and teach them to be respectful of it. DUH!

Dear IO9 writers, unless you sleep in a house without locks, or without walls, and you are personally financing the needs of refugees out of your own pocket. SHUT THE HELL UP.

“Diversity” = Less white people.

Sorry Beth, nobody cares about virtue signaling in comic books besides whiny leftists like you

In the comic book, Jerrica and Jem DO NOT look like the same person, they have totally different body types. Jerrica has been drawn as both petite or short/average body, and Jem as 6 feet tall with an athletic figure that looks almost like a beautiful drag queen, so it wouldn’t be easy to figure it out. Different body

Easy to prove, follow the money :)

Oh Beth, does George Soros keep you on the payroll to write opposition articles like this on a site about science fiction and fantasy? How pathetic. You must know the bill failed because it was conservative enough. The final bill will be truly conservative, so celebrate your little commie pinko ass while you can.

Annoying and whiny review written by a SJW feminist. Sad. It’s a fairy tale! Get over it.

And not a single one of those pinko vermin idiots has read the manga or knows that Motoko is supposed to be racially ambiguous, and that millions of Europeans moved to Asia after WW4, or that the major has a black body (with an Afro and all), a teenage Asian body, and a blonde Caucasian body in the sequel...

Did you read Whedon’s script for Wonder Woman though? It was trash

Oh Beth, so sad that trans looking feminazis still can’t get over the fact Trump is the president of the USA, the whole “Trump is Hitler” is so lazy and tired, you are not getting rid of him, just like you are never getting rid of your Y chromosome

Why are blacks so convinced Trump administration means bad things for them when they are doing WORSE after Obama? LMAO, and that’s why it’s so easy for the likes of Soros to use blacks as pawns to incite violence