
The only ones still obsessed with race are the people of color, everybody else couldn’t care less. And the people of color, such as myself, who decide to escape the plantation mentality that the left has forced on us, soon find nobody cares what your race or sexuality or religion is as long as you don’t act like a

Oh Pinko white women just can’t keep themselves from whining about President Trump, even when they are just paid to write about sci-fi. Sad.

Is it absolutely necessary that you damn leftist vermin try to push your Marxist agenda on every article even not related to politics?

Are they also the most primitive? Considering the average IQ for Australian Aborigine is 65.

Dear SJW feminazis: Not everything is a racist, problematic, misogynist, evil white male patriarchy rape culture. STOP.

So you want it just to push an Islamist invading agenda and upset Americans concerned about cultures incompatible with western values? OK...

Would have been cooler with the original 90's premise, having him change his appearance from brunette/brown eyed to blonde/blue eyed as well would have been cool.

Dear IO9, the more you pander to the leftists the more you lose audience. Gawker is over, and you are next.

Because she is basically a goddess. Why do you hate white people so much?

The movie is far from being a flop, and still at #1 box office

Nice JEM reference there ;) I'm a big fan

I love him! My favorite colors are pink, magenta and black :)

Who is that? I like him

As a gay, let me tell you, this is not a great idea. Diversity for diversity's sake is dumb. Instead make a cool super hero show, and if you want it to be gay just for sake of your leftist agenda, how about a Midnighter/Apollo show?

The problem with people like you reviewing these subjects is that you want to inject your own opinion of how racist potential findings/facts might be. Sorry but facts don't care about anyone's feelings.

If anyone is more likely to be a hydra agent is Hillary, I mean...5 deaths in 6 weeks of people who could threaten her candidacy, corrupt deals with African dictators who violate human rights, giving access to 20% of USA uranium mining operations, leaving Haiti POORER than before she went in “trying to help” after the

I thought the enchantress’ motives were crystal clear; She’s an ancient goddess/demoness of lust, she was worshipped 6000+ years ago at a time the most advanced technology was the wheel, then she gets a host after sleeping for who knows how long and becomes a human’s slave/pet, so she resents humans and wants to

Because June Moone wasn't a criminal, she was somewhat cooperating with Waller. And how could they drop a bomb on it if Waller was in the building next door.

Whining about a phone shot which lasted less than a second...comic book fans can be such f****** c**** sometimes.

How is she allowed to talk to men and walk outside her house unescorted by a brother? Stone her!