
The FEMALE director of the movie said she wanted the amazons to be “bad ass and hot as hell”, and now for men they want Superman to be hugely muscular to an inconvenient degree, her fantasy is for Wonder Woman to have endless legs and be very sexy.

Yeah, I’m sure the “smear campaign” wrote and published that thesis advocating child porn for her

This kind of crap is why I’m glad Gawker and its affiliates are 140 mill poorer

Why are they fat...

The right imagery being morbidly obese women with boysih haircuts, blue hair, piercings and tattoos? No, nobody other those same land-whales find them attractive.

Sorry, you won’t change thousands of years of beauty standards just because of “but my feels!”. Beauty is a commodity, deal with it.

It's actually a Japanese mononoke called futakuchi-onna

How typical, complaining about non existent problems.

1) I called you a feminist because you talk like one, accusing people of misogyny because they disagree with you, and calling them “ist”, which is typical feminazi behavior.

If I'm trying out for a role that calls for a large bulge and I didn't have a large bulge, yes, I'd be uncomfortable. But I wouldn't whine about it, I wouldn't even have auditioned for it and let someone who does have a huge bulge do it. That's the difference between women and men; women think whining solves problems,

You are a Tumblerina, or at the very least a virtue signaling “feminist”.

You sound like a Tumblerina right now. First of all, ever heard of Madeleine Stowe? Helen Mirren? Gillian Anderson? Julianne Moore? Courtney Cox? Lucy Lawless? Ashley Judd? Monica Bellucci? Sandra Bullock? Jennifer Lopez? Salma Hayek? Cate Blanchet?

Name one right men have that women don't

And what was the casting call for this video? “Unattractive, frumpy, out of work actress, gets outraged beyond reason by dumb things. Failure at life. Thinks patriarchy is a thing”.

I bought it and loved it!

Hell nah, not sexy enough

Protect her from what? Her lies? She swore under oath that Dr Luke never drugged her/raped her. Then she claims he did, before she swore that oat. Either way she is a liar, so anything she says cannot be taking seriously.

Making X-Force R rated just because Deadpool did really well is just a money-hungry move that doesn't serve the story or the characters at all, it's pathetic of the studio to even say it out loud.

I'm a huge JEM fan and I actually really liked the live action movie, it had great pop songs and it was just lots of fun. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't bad, and those who ACTUALLY saw it seem to like it. I don't see how the fan film could be any better, it's just cheap and campy, while the the Hollywood movie

My original impression of GoT stand...