
How is a strong woman feminism? She wasn’t whining about “manspreading” or saying she was “triggered” by challenging opinions

Oh God, this looks even campier than I had expected. Reminds me of being a child and watching old shows reruns in the early 90's.

Ancient Egyptians were caucasoid though. They didn’t have negroid features like their Nubian neighbors

Just stop it. White privilege doesn't exist. White people aren't handed jobs or riches just for being white.

Do you have to pour your SJW crap even on reviewing trailers for superhero movie? LMAO

Do minorities ever realize they are...minorities? And are represented in the media accordingly, and in some cases minorities are over represented

You decided to not fight him back even though you say you didn't feel threatened, you decided to just get it over with. And you allowed him to have sex with you. So no, you weren't raped.

I'm heartbroken, he leaves us, weird and unusual artists, orphaned. I've loved him since I was 8 years old, and forever and ever.

Not every use of a foreign location is “cultural appropriation” or”problematic”. You'd do better being more objective and less tumblerina SJW.

IO9 is looking like tumblr these days with all the SJW doing posts vaguely related to nerdy things but truly with their “progressive” agenda.

LMAO, you talk about not making claims and yet, where are the studies or opinion polls showing that most people don’t mind “trigger warnings” or censoring freedom of speech that can be offensive?

Ad hominem. You try to disqualify people and insult them instead of attacking their argument with solid reasoning. So far your argument is that trigger warnings are harmless and we should be more compassionate, and those who don’t believe in trigger warnings are idiots. You haven’t provided any factual evidence of

Actually, it's exactly how evolution works. That's how some people are immune to HIV, allegedly because their ancestors survived the bubonic plague

LMAO, using logical fallacies only shows you are out of arguments

It actually costs everybody freedom of speech as the whole world walks on egg shells because something always offends some victim, and the the far left screams and cries trying to shame whoever said something not PC. Ridiculous that nowadays feelings matter more than freedom of speech.

And are you a rape victim? No? Then why do you feel you can give your opinion about it?

Yes, and the weak perished, and the strong survived to pass on their genes.

That is absolutely ridiculous

What evidence is there that he actually, factually raped any of these women?

Women who have sex for money are whores, prostitutes, etc. Stop trying to spin it.