
Perhaps they are the kind of women who rather think logically and not believe things unless there’s empirical evidence of it?

Actually, he has a HUGE female fan base who would more than willingly have sex with him.

She counts on feminists to believe her and hold a kangaroo court against James.

He said the claims were false.

And when people think that uncomfortable sex was rape, doesn’t mean it actually was.

Why would be offer to make her feel safe after she accused him of a felony?

He has sex with women who make a living from having sex on camera...for a living. How is that sexual assault?

I think you need to look up in the dictionary the definition of FALSE.

So now only black lesbians of color who are disabled and morbidly obese can be “feminists”?

That doesn’t constitute rape though.

I’m accusing you of rape. Without any evidence of it. Now believe me and admit you are a rapist.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? I guess that doesn’t count when some broad accuses a man of rape without any empirical evidence to back up that claim.

OMG you people are idiots! What suffering is he talking about? They announced they were moving to Qatar the very next day after meeting the president, it’s obvious this is a money grabbing scheme and him and his whole family are disgusting black mailers. Seriously, it’s amazing how illogical the mind of a

You know an article was written by a feminazi when “mental powers” are allegory for rape in her little fantasy world.

Did you even watch the movie? It's actually very enjoyable, pure fun, and with a big heart.

We must have watched a different movie, or maybe you watched it with the purpose of tearing it down. I actually loved it, it was joyful and emotional, so much heart and truly conveyed the message of JEM

No. Sorry, no. The feminazis cannot have this one. Part of the appeal of these ladies is they are almost nude.

Where is that from? I love it

I came for the image. The fact it appears to be randomly used for the article is click bait bullshit

What a whit bitch. Grow a sense of humor, the show is hilare