
I’m thinking her “mom” was the girl who found the birth/death stuff

Grow a sense of humor

As soon as I saw “cultural appropriation” I knew this article had to be written by an idiotic lefty feminazi, then I looked up the author and my initial impression was confirmed

That actually looks terrible. I think using CGI for horror makes it look just crappy most of the times. Some times it works if creepy and disturbing enough, like in Silent Hill. But most times, including the “The Thing” prequel, practical effects and animatronics would have looked better and scarier.

I love Lou Ferrigno’s Hercules so much!!! It's pure campy, outrageous euro trash fantasy sci fi fun

I'd like to know why the responsibility of helping the refugees is dumped on these European countries with struggling economies while no one is saying a thing about the rich Arabian gulf countries refusing to help...and somehow the USA is evil.

He looks sexy, like he could lay the pipe real good and rough

Look, a traditionally attractive woman! Let’s all go hate on her because we can’t look like her - Typical feminist MO.

That’s pretty excellent...

That album is the ish though, fun, trashy euro dance covers of ABBA, how can you not love it?

What a whiny bitch. You know damn well what is meant but you wanna act like you don't just to be butthurt

Why? it would have made her feel bad for not being as hot? because you know that’s why feminazis hate hot chicks

I feel it’s quite the opposite. In the comics Jerrica doesn’t even want to sing, she just does it to please Kim, and even as Jem she is socially awkward and rather rude to Rio when they first meet.

The comic made even more unnecessary changes though...

The movie is for young kids and tweens, just as the cartoon was 30 years ago. Fans of nostalgia don’t understand that. They think an 80’s camp fest would work, but it really wouldn’t be more than a big joke appealing to only the die hard fans.

Well, the point is to reboot the franchise :)

Now playing

Here, a “dark electro-pop with a rock edge” male cover of the Jem theme song

Hannah Montana was a Jem rip-off though, in fact, the second Disney rip off, the second one being the movie “Pixel Perfect” about a holographic teen pop star whose vocals were provided by a shy girl who was insecure about her looks.

The 80’s already happened, nothing will “destroy” it

And I bet you never even cared about the cartoon, you are just too happy to ditch hate.