
Is linkedin worth it to use? I set up an account a little while ago, but haven't taken the time to even really get into it. My first impression was using the android app, which was... not impressive. Their splash screen is nice, but everything past it is broken.

What about those of us that don't have a account directly, but use services powered by

If my company had a policy like that, I wouldn't take it. However, if my boss pulled me aside and said "I'll give *you* $XXX to GTFO.", I'd probably assume I wasn't a long-term employee and take it.

I've used KeePass forever, but the heartbleed fallout may be what gets me to start using LastPass.

He's got some pretty cool stuff across the board. I took his summer of design course a while back (I think the post said it's open for another round) and can't recommend it enough.

I'm in the same boat. I just upgraded to their $10/month photography program. Figured it was time for me to join the grown-up world, But I'm still not enough of a grown-up to have that much for the entire suite. Also (like you said), it ends up being cheaper for me, since I'd want to stay on the cutting edge all the

Awesomesauce. Thanks!

Do you have the link? This sounds pretty awesome!

Darn. Oh well, the rest of the post is still really useful!

I miss tags in the URL.

I used for a bit, until Aviate came out. I may give it another shot with these updates, but I really like Aviate's simplicity.

I used for a bit, until Aviate came out. I may give it another shot with these updates, but I really like Aviate's simplicity.

I used to do computer repair for an office supply company (we'll call it Paperclips). The manager there constantly told me that my department was a waste of money and he'd rather see me doing something useful, like selling stuff (this was when they first started and hasn't yet really realized how profitable it was).

The biggest things we did involved setting up separate savings accounts and setting up automatic transfers to them.
We have one account for rent, one for general savings, and one called ridiculousity (which we use for going on dates, etc).
The day before each payday, half of our checking account goes to savings and half

I was actually looking forward to voice getting G+ integration—in an ideal world, it would mean the end of phone numbers. You could instead say which circles are allowed to call you, and the rest works like the new gmail/g+ integration.

Damn. Came here hoping to find out this wasn't the case this time.

I've been playing with Linux for a while now, eventually building (and breaking, and rebuilding, and so on...) my own home server. I never really thought much of it until I got a job doing web development. Immediately, I was able to see and fix several issues that would have blown right by me otherwise.

It did what it said on the tin and is a REALLY exciting prospect. My issues with the app are more along the lines of the way it sorted apps (by last use of the permission, which constantly reordered the list), and the way it would list permissions that apps didn't request.

It didn't work all that well to begin with, which is why I'm assuming they pulled it.

Oh my god, this.