
It’s so simple. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.

Lint rollers are a godsend for broken ornaments (or really any broken glass).

I feel like this needs a review from Ozzy Man.

I had an old Nokia that would do something similar. The phone would switch into “emergency mode” where it would immediately reboot and then not let it make any calls (even to 911). You’d have to restart the phone to get it working again.

Back (way back) in high school, my friends and I were all leaving from a shindig. As we headed up the hill away from said shindig, a friend and I find ourselves taking up both lanes. Now being high schoolers, we were already driving a bit above the speed limit, making the guy angrily trying to get around us all the

Well I’m a bit late to the party and it’s not a new story, but I think it’s still worth sharing.

I didn’t like that recipe for a long time, until I learned to substitute the avocado with bacon.

Same—I wanted to defend it until I realized there was a reason I’d only done it once.

I love me some Duolingo (because let’s face it, I’m cheap and it’s really good). The issue for me is that it gives no background on the language you’re learning.

I’ve only ever watched NuWho, and was wondering who I should go back to for original Doctor Who. Thanks!

Forget the theme park, what’s up with that Avatar in the image up top?!


Nobody wins in a race to the bottom.

Sorry for the shitpic, this was done on a potato running Snapchat. Also, yes, I know those replies would make sense if this person was posting commerce stuff to this commerce page. Still, for Facebook to brag about how they can tell what you’re posting and then use those is kinda tone-deaf.

Their conversation starters for commerce stuff aren’t much better, unless you’re in that “scared pregnancy fetishist” demographic.

I was out there. It was crazy--I didn’t even know it had happened until much later. Glad he’s OK, and interesting to hear his description!

I was always told to use tabs, because then each coder could set tabs to equal however many spaces they prefer, and nobody gets pedantic about what they think is improper indentation*. Am I doing it wrong? Are there still environments that don’t know how to handle tabs?

Well I'm keeping that. I don't know when it'll come in handy, but I have no doubt that it will.

Reminiscing about Giz gone by? Does that mean we’re going to be bringing back starred commenters?

That was cruel.