

Are you trolling?

I was there. It was bad.


OK, fair enough.

I *really* like the light mod idea.

Why do I not have those cufflinks RIGHT MEOW!?

That is always a problem, and a real threat if Google does take over everything. HOWEVER, the reason Google is able to enter these markets and do so well is because the competition is doing their jobs so poorly (*ahem* ISPs). If Google starts charging for Gmail, the—almost immediate, any more—reaction is that a


Sure, but almost everything that BlackBerry's have going for them anymore is because of BIS (and probably to some extent, BES is included in all this too). Text messages & Voicemails (at least notifications). BBM. Push email. Web browsing(?). Yes, that can all be done with Google Apps, even better in some ways.

Agreed. The 2.x series doesn't belong on a tablet any more than the 3.x series belongs on a phone. Unfortunately, 3.x feels unfinished. It's a good start, but... eh....

That's because our brains are hard-wired to find patterns. It was a benefit when we needed to know what was a bush and what was a saber-toothed tiger, but it really just ignites conspiracy theories out of simple coincidences now.

The interesting part is what happens if/when RIM *does* go bankrupt? It's one thing for, say, HTC* to disappear, but what happens when RIM can't pay for their server farm any more? Do all BIS-reliant features disappear? Does this turn all Blackberry's into dumbphones? I'm assuming someone would pick up the slack, but

No, but it does come with 4.3 billion pieces of software, none of which work well and all of which "must" be running at all times.

Oh that's awesome. Thank you!

"Wait, people still use Facebook?" -a G+ snob

I love that they just super-glue the cut ends back together. That stuff is seriously amazing.

This x ∞

I have no problem with *those* ads at the end. My beef is with the banner that covers the bottom 2/3 of the video I'm trying to watch (which is usually where most of the action is) and makes the video lag while it's loading.