
Expensive bits that NASA would like back. They will probably be damaged beyond anything usable, but still a) NASA's and b) useful in post-mortem analysis.

Tineye's my default image lookup bit, but I figured I'd give Google a try for once. Getting "I think that looks like 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'!" back was too random. Guess I should have mentioned that!

Hearted. You win the gold star of the day.

Seriously, what is that?

"...fired over the phone..."

*skim skim skim* WHOA, BACK UP!

I didn't see anything. Might want to get that looked into; asking the room "who said that?!" can get you some funny looks.


Wait, what? Back this crazy-train up for a moment. Why did they take his eyes? Did he have exceptional eyesight, but people are always paying more attention to his brain? Were they actually going to study them, or did Harvey just want a memento?

I call shenanigans. I doubt any "normal" company would lose 2 prototypes in a row, let alone the same way. This is Apple we're talking about.

We have a Dyson at work. It works OK, I guess. It is a great-looking machine. The problem with it is how often it breaks. In the ~3 years I've worked here, it's broken down about 4.3 billion times (ok, 3 times), and costs ~$100 each time it does. Like @mrmonroebiggs said, that's as much as a new vacuum each time.

...what a stunt, especially in the hands—and feet—of surf pyro Bruce Irons, who...

Here's where it gets fun—aren't they recording (with audio) everything that happens? I agree with the in-dash cameras most cop cars have, but if they're being recorded already, haven't they given consent to being recorded? Is there a difference between 1 camera and 2? Also, what if you didn't give consent to being

Think "Administrator" access in Windows. In *NIX (Linux, Unix, etc), you can actually get extremely deep into a system once you have root access. For hackers, it's the "Golden Ticket".

Ah, right...

I think this is one of those times where this is exceptionally appropriate.

While these things are the result of a thousand nightmares fueled by orphan's tears, is dead-lamprey juice the best solution? I guess it'll go away sooner than anything else, but isn't putrefying a handful of them and pouring the juice into a lake going to chase off anything native?

Now playing

Here's a video of the Arcata Plaza during the 6...something quake in early 2010. The buildings are a string of bars (and a lone restaurant/bar, where the little girl comes out of). Note everyone's immediate reaction: "THAT WAS AWESOME! MOAR BEER!" (edit: the quake starts at 0:53. Apparently you can't embed start

Same here (Eureka, CA). It feels odd to be hearing about a quake that *isn't* out here.

*click source link*