My Alfa 164 is Too a Real Alfa

hey I was doing a tv show but now I’m back

Reminder: Michael Ballaban still exists

it’s not a pocket it’s a Q U I R K

Tavarish is good


935's are dope.

This guy basically just built an entire car and I still have to look up youtube videos when I want to tie a tie.


I bet self-driving cars will have this feature in 20 or 30 years - you know, for nostalgia.

David is at least 25% rust by osmosis by now.

Nice write up David.

You may not like it, but this is what Peak Editor-In-Chiefing looks like.

It beats up supercars and burns like ‘em too

This. This is what I come to jalopnik for. Excellent post, lots of creepy new faces

The first thing the reporter said got me going.

It’s handsome. The multiple screens are cool too. But remember this is JLR. How those will hold up over time though is a big question.

Lemme tell you how this went down.

The third pass was faster because the driver emptied his bowels while getting sideways at damn near 190 mph on the second pass. The reduced weight was to his advantage, obviously.

This has been the best season of Rick and Morty so far so way to go ladies.

For your sake Mr President I hope this doesn’t get cross posted to Jezebel.