My Alfa 164 is Too a Real Alfa

I had one of these in the palm of my hand 5 years ago. But I passed on it because it didn’t have QUITE ENOUGH cargo space.

Pussy hats are offensive to millions of people. Does that make them bad?

The name is fine... overly sensitive people aren’t but here we are

Precisely the problem with the ZF. Programming varies from one car brand to the next.

No, that’s just how the leftist Gawker style media works.

It’s a good article otherwise, that quote from the Chinese is completely unnecessary. It adds nothing and only disparages the sailors themselves.

While I agree what he did was dumb, he has owned up to that multiple times and advocates that it was the dumbest thing he ever did and he hopes nobody else does it again. While yes it was dangerous, he didn’t kill anyone, and he did own up to his mistakes, and continually does.

Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.

Otto must have had a real blast. He’s a cutie!

So we’ve been spelling Ptrump wrong this whole time?

“I want to welcome you all to the best funeral service...............In the world...”

You know what I’m gonna do?
I’m gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac, El Dorado convertible
Hot pink with whaleskin hub caps and all leather cow interior
And big brown baby seal eyes for headlights, yeah
And I’m gonna drive around in that baby at 115 mph

Luxury cars are enough of an environmental cruelty that I can’t get too worked up about the cow hide element...

The car girl in me says “OH HELL YES” until I remember that my engine was once on fire and uh, I don’t think a spare tyre in there would have been that smart (bad pun, leave me alone lol)?

I used to have to do “Time at Temperature” thermal analyses on all sorts of underhood parts (rubber engine mounts were my nemeses). In short, we used Arrhenius plots—which characterize a material’s degradation rate at certain temperatures—to see if our newly designed fascias and cooling modules and exhaust packaging


Land Rover

LR4 is very capable.

I think the LR4, when optioned correctly with a low-range and locking center diff, is actually pretty capable offroad, within its geometric limitations. I would ditch those big wheels, however.