
I was a prosecutor in Upper Marlboro for around eight years, several of which were in Juvenile. I didn’t do adult truancy much - the Juvenile Chief handled them, primarily - but I handled some of them when she needed help. My time in Juvenile was the saddest in my career, watching these young people who desperately

If there’s anything I’ve learned from working in politics and government for the past 20 years, it’s that zero tolerance policies rarely exist in everyday work life. Just because HR says there’s zero tolerance doesn’t mean there actually is, and I can assure you no HR office makes it a priority to find out.

(S)he stopped watching after the Pacific Rim 2 trailer.

I think you have no idea what this movie is.

I’m not sure this is the right movie for this rant.

I have my issues w/ parts of the Democratic Party, but DACA is the dumbest hill to shutdown the government and die on. The Democratic Party has no power in the House and is the minority party in the Senate. Stopping government services/benefits and furloughing thousands of federal workers in blue states was never

I’m sure he did. I did my own share of not necessarily paying too much attention to the governing process because it was running smoothly (a mistake I will never make again if we all get out of this alive) — but it boggles the mind how fast the smuggressives and fauxgressives can minimize and forget even the massive

The Dems can’t disarm unilaterally, and the Rs will never go along with public funding of campaigns.

I look at Clinton’s platform in 2016:

They always seem to imagine that the closer they edge to Republican policy positions

I wasn’t specifically calling out bigotry (as the Bayonne case would more accurately be described as xenophobia any way), I was specifically calling out idiocy (which the title of the post also specifically referred to, BTW), which the attached Mencken quote was in direct reference to.

Since we are setting up straw men to judge historical figures by modern mores why not go all the way to Lincoln, right?!

The founding fathers actually went to great lengths to try to design a system of government that *wasn’t* all that responsive to whims of uninformed populist mobs. The whole electoral college concept was based on the idea that your average man (which required owning property, because your vocal idiots at the tavern

I haven’t read a Reich column in years, he’s just the last one I remember enjoying. He is probably super old by now.

Alternately Thiessen is a total hack

Man, Rubin used to be the worst Koch Bros conservative, so yeah, a huge surprise for me as well. And it’s not just some “If only he could be more polite with his racism and sexism” kind of conservative criticism either.

I’m no American hero but it seems that in The Age of Trump—and the age of Journalists Who Fancy Themselves Besieged Heroes—the nation’s most prominent liberal media outlet might want to employ actually good opinion writers, rather than a cast composed *mostly* of tired old hacks.

I’m kinda with you on Frum, but he maintains some very robustly (and I think, incorrect) foreign policy views. But remember, back when he was coming up, what eventually became known as Obamacare was a fairly establishment conservative alternative to a potential single payer system.

This is kind of a pointless exercise if 80% of the jeans listed are various fits of Levi’s. It would be far more constructive to recommend five different brands of jeans and leave the individual style up to the readers. Now that four of the five options are from the same company this is really just asking people which

This is kind of a pointless exercise if 80% of the jeans listed are various fits of Levi’s. It would be far more