
You’re right. You should write an article on that.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the real driving force behind the piece is the reporters who had their work spiked by Baquet. I’m guessing that standard operating procedure is to suck it up and move on, but hopefully this is a sign that at least some reporters don’t think business as usual is going to work anymore.

The next time I see Chris Cillizza actually report something will be the first. He’s a professional hot-taker who primarily writes about who “won” any particular political issue and who had the “worst week in Washington”. His contribution to the age of Trump can be best summed up as the guy who used the word

“I guess I’m one of the mythical “undecided voters,” in that I am undecided as to whether I will vote at all... ...If the Democrats needed my vote I’d cast it, but they don’t, and so I don’t really know why I’d bother...” - Alex Pareene, ladies and gentlemen!

Oh look, the shithead who was too smart to vote yesterday is now pissed off. Fuck you, you self-righteous asshole.

because when you don’t live together, you don’t learn everything about a person. you think you do, but you don’t. You know the face the show to you when you are not together 24/7 sharing a household. There are way to many things to list, but some of the “big picture” ones are:

Got a chance to see Ride back in the fall. They were absolutely sublime. I don’t know why every single shoegaze band decided to come back, but it makes me so happy.

Good heavens, it’s Ride! I think this is the first time I’ve ever recognized a band on Kotaku.

One of the premier shoegaze tracks of all time!

This guy knows! So do I. And believe me - there are a ton of people who will give you advice on how to “work” on it. It’s not gonna work. Like - it will for a month or three, but then you will slide back into your old patterns.

YES. Figuring out yourself doesn’t mean that you were lying before. It means you didn’t know. I assume she thought she could work on the issue, and realized that she couldn’t.

When I was dating my wife, we had to have the talk about the frequency of our sex life, and the lack thereof, because I loved this woman and knew when dating I wanted her to have ‘mah bay-bays’. She is just not as sexual driven as me, because it isn’t on her mind all the time like me, she didn’t realize how long in

Book yourself for a meeting in a conference room. Call it “document review” or something. Pick a conference room that doesn’t have windows, even if they’re tinted or frosted to up above eye level. You don’t want anyone looking in. Take your laptop to complete the charade so people walking past your desk don’t get

Just sleep for four to five hours like your father, wake up tired and miserable, load up on coffee and get your ass to work. No one cares.

Yes, I have! And honestly, I didn’t believe the smegma stain with, “dwaynespeaksjive WUZ HEAR” written next to it was yours, but now that I see you are a real, live human it all makes sense!!!

How do you serve as VP when you’ve publicly stated your opponent is unqualified to be President?

Do you think part of the issue is that he may technically be a 1%’er? I live in San Francisco and was amazed that being qualified as the 1% was a lower annual income than I expected. I don’t mean this as a Bernie jab at all.

I’m older than 40 years old.

It’s standard practice for a presidential candidate to release their taxes. he shouldn’t HAVE to be asked.

Releasing tax returns is a pro forma thing... and frankly, if he is all he says he is, would make him look good. But then, just maybe he is hiding something.