
I didn’t realize it was considered edgy to point out that a song released a quarter century ago, that was one of the most ubiquitous songs of the 1990's, and that has already been used not-once-but-twice in a recent sci-fi franchise might be a kind of stale choice.

I mean, fair enough - there are a lot of people who seem to find my comments (which are, admittedly, a little troll-y) as, somehow, an affront to music and Star Wars. Which is kind of hilarious.

A good song is a good song, and Sabotage is one of the best.

Boy, and people are complaining that I’m trying to be too edgy.

I mean, I don’t disagree with you, and I would have been bummed if this were the official trailer.

Cool. So, we should be content with waiting 25 years to get like, I dunno, a Future or St. Vincent song to pair up with a trailer? Maybe they can pair up Kendrick Lamar to some equally pointless Star Wars origin story in 2048.

I’m surprised you’re not a table, being all edgy like that.

Did you know that almost every song in every movie trailer came out before the movie did?

I mean, I don’t mean to (entirely) piss on everyone’s parade, I just find the idea of setting Han Solo: The Early Rebel Years to a 25-year old song written and performed by a bunch of dudes who were hitting their 30's when they wrote the song ridiculous and hilarious.


You can come sit next to me, fellow hater.

Heh. I’m just bored stiff with the Beastie Boys being used as like, the height of rebel-dom, mostly by white dudes my age and older. Beyonce is more subversive than the Beastie Boys were by this point in their career, and she’s the biggest fucking pop star on the planet.

I liked the first one, but the second book is way more conventional than the first one is, in terms of storytelling and structure, and it takes a really long time to find it’s footing (though it eventually does). I’m still struggling with the third.

I burned through the first book in a single sitting (less so, the other two) and, while it sounds like they probably took a lot of liberties with plot points, it sounds like they got the tone and the essence of it pretty spot-on. All during my reading of it, I got the feeling that trying to adapt it too closely would

Heh. Don’t get me wrong - I like Elvis, though I’m a Stones man. And I understand the Beastie Boys’ appeal. But this song is pretty old by pop standards, and it’s already been used - twice - in a competing sci-fi franchise.

And THAT sounds like a young hipster who’s convinced that everything old is out of touch and if he himself didn’t “discover” it, it has no value.

Hate my opinion all you want, but this is like trying to promote Rambo: First Blood (released 1982) with Elvis Presley’s ‘Jailhouse Rock’ (released 1957).

Counter-point: Using a 25-year old single made by a bunch of culture-appropriating white guys who are now dead or in their 50's seems pretty fucking stodgy to me.

I get what you’re saying, but a stop in government services+benefits/furloughs of non essential staff and the expiration of CHIP more than likely hurts black women, women of color, black kids, and everyone more than the expiration of DACA will.

I clearly answered it in my post. I stated why I stopped watching, and asked why others are still watching.