And This How You Do Me?

Bit of a stretch to blame that on him and not the 30 year destruction of the rust belt that started with Bill Clinton through Bush and Obama conservative smear campaign.

Oh my god, fuck you. Hot takes, indeed; how stupid is this post?

True Detective forces confrontations and falls a little flat”

It’s the same complaint this reviewer has had all season. It is not the exact show she wants. So, if it is any different than she wants, it is bad somehow.

But his death is his own doing, a choice they were forced to make, not a natural consequence of their violence.
That isn’t ambiguity. It isn’t poetic. It’s narrative cowardice.

Not allowing them entry at all would have been what they deserve.

I feel like there can be a middle ground here. You can feel like Cherry and the old guard and all their “respect the game” stuff is obnoxious and terrible while thinking that the new hockey media’s desperation to make everything a fucking meme is exhausting. It’s “Please Like My Sport” for the Internet Age and these

Some pretenious foreigner used all of our questions marks leaving us stuck in 1999.

MOST of those that work forces, are the same the burn crosses

Kyle, I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better, but you need rest more than you need the harsh light from a screen.

When Okposo went down, rather than let his head bounce off the ice, the Rangers player grabbed onto his opponent’s sweater to stop the fall”

I the guy has a problem with conclusion maybe he shouldn't be trying to fight

Odds are that other commenter would’ve taken it to the house.

Now I’m imagining Peterman trying to point right back at you, but he ends up pointing at some other commenter instead.

No, the Bills would have to show awareness and initiative for this to be true.

It’s not perfect yet. It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times? DAMN YOU, STUPID TEXT GENERATOR!”

Roberts is interesting because while he’s just as nakedly partisan as anyone else, he’s also the only guy in the Republican cluster of judges who realizes that legitimacy is a thing, it’s a thing that needs to be husbanded if you want to keep making favorable decisions for your interests, and that too many nakedly

He just wanted to be an asshole. I don’t think it gets any more complicated than that.

We’re through the looking glass here, people...

Yeah. Bannon and his pseudo-intellectual crowd have been fawning over Hazony’s “The Virtue of Nationalism” for awhile. It’s perfect for the far-right. It combines tendentious and factually incorrect history with an overly simplistic and cherry-political political narrative that miraculously absolves their preferred