And This How You Do Me?

I agree with most of this but I will say, as another former nutter, that the biggest thing I hold against Jesus is the Great Commission, which I remember gave me so much anxiety in high school when I felt I should be witnessing to friends about my faith and understanding they didn’t want to hear about it.

Evangelicals make up most of trumps most ardent base. That says a lot about Evangelicals.

We are not interested in reaching out to racist bigots. We have been reaching out to racist bigots for almost 50 years now, and the end result is that Trump is sitting in the White House telling us that racist bigots are fine people.

#2 is really the key thing. A lot of stupid shitty things you do as a kid, even a teenager, can be forgiven if you, y’know, LEARN better, and do better. It’s why I have no time for these asshats who are still clearly being shitty racist fuckwits today. They’re not embarrassed by what they did, they’re embarrassed it

Sorry, I’m not following your logic. You claim it’s hard (huh huh heh) to know who to root for in this?? The fuck cares Bezos is a rich guy, Splinter politics be damnned? AMI and Pecker (godDAMNit, this is a difficult response to get through!) are best buddies with Orange Marmalard, and it was his stated objective to

It is, though. And it has been for a while.

Maybe, maybe not. How many GMs are secretly saying, “Fuck’em that’s what they get.” I mean, Magic and crew strolling in and trying to cherry pick whoever (whomever?) they want from any team they like (by hook or by crook) is something no GM should be particularly happy with and it’s not any less dishonorable.

There’s an almost comical number of cases like this associated with the Daily Caller, which is why I’m flabbergasted the entire GOP and much of the right-wing press continues to act like that site isn’t a racist cesspit tainted from the very beginning.

By what possible metric were the elections “free and fair”?

RE: Buster Scruggs - I want an expansion on the opener - a feature-length western themed musical that is brutally violent. I’d watch the shit out of that.

The AUMF covers al-Qaeda and affiliated groups. It’s been stretched pretty broadly over the years but even so there’s no way to tie Hezbollah, a Shi’ite group, into the global AQ network. 

A bunch of your replies leapt to the conclusion that you’re advocating for intervention or an outright war, but my reading of your comment is that you’re explicitly arguing against that approach. Setting that aside, though, I find myself similarly torn.

The reason the future never happens in football is because offenses innovate, defenses adjust, and then instead of improving on their innovations, offensive coordinators through at a whole page of their playbook that was working. The read-option broke the league, defenses figured out how to contain, and the majority

So, this is officially the dog the GOP’s going to be wagging in the runup to 2020, huh.

Generally the theories suggest they’re trying to build ties with local drug smuggling outfits and develop contacts that would let them smuggle things or people into the United States.

This is a conspiracy very popular among a few anti-Muslim hate groups that Pompeo has ties to, groups like the Security Studies Group and the Center for Security Policy. No one serious about the MENA or terrorism believes it. The fact that this conspiracy has been around for over a decade at this point without any

It’s fucking great how they’re doing everything Maduro wants them to do. He was an increasingly unpopular and on the verge of collapse dictator but the moment the “Gringos” got involved it’s galvanised support at home and abroad to support him no matter how many die because now it’s gone from a failing at home to

As someone surrounded by leftists, I’m torn.

Really with this shit? I lived in NYC for several years, and I'm calling bull. I can't tell you how many times a friend would breathlessly tell me I had to go to Totonno's/Sal and Carmine's/Grimaldi's/Patsy's/whatever, because "It's the best pizza you'll ever have," and then I'd go, and without fail, it would be

It's Taylor Ham, not pork roll!