Cheese Knee II

Goddamnit, this is America. You will not take away my freedom to fly through my windshield in a collision, just like you will not take away my freedom to have my respiratory system ravaged by COVID.

America, the land of the sick and twisted where people have no qualms about siding with a greedy corporation against a wronged person. I’ve never seen a country that loves to suck capitalism’s dick so hard.

I do not understand the blithering idiots who would rather believe wild conspiracy theories that would involve thousands (millions?) of people to be “in on it” rather than the simple reality that there IS a pandemic and we CAN make vaccines to fight it.

So was the “Rejected” name already taken, or just too spot-on?

the last thing we need is these morons breeding.

For the guys in the room who don’t get it, when women ask for a raise that puts them within striking distance of making the same amount of money as their male colleagues, this is almost universally met with “Honey, don’t you already make enough to buy pretty clothes and makeup? What would a nice girl like you need

if someone is looking for an unvaccinated doctor”

callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

I hate it when the people who are obligated to pay a celebrity try to get the public on their side by pointing out how much said celebrity makes. Usually it’s sports team owners saying something like, “We’ve already made him a multi-millionaire; what more could he possibly want?” and I just want to smash things,

didn’t they say that focus groups preferred this over a more traditional design?  I’m assuming they give their focus groups meth before talking with them.  explains the add campaign anyway.

Tell you what, Aaron:

I am so baffled by anyone criticizing Biles. Not only did she do what was right for her, she also did what was right for the team. What would she have accomplished by staying in he competition? She would have torpedoed the whole team’s medal chances. She did the brave thing and the classy thing. She stepped aside so

Not just paralysis, she could end up dead. Gymnasts have died doing some of the vaults she does. And with the absolute power behind her skills? She likely would have killed herself...her coaches and parents wouldn't have forgiven themselves.

Alcohol is the greatest truth serum ever invented. It loosens the mouth and brains to say the quiet things out loud. Make no mistake: it doesn’t change anyone, it only enhances what they are. The results are revelatory 

They say “Why was that brave?! How is that brave?” and somehow remain completely oblivious to the fact that it’s brave because she knew you and people like you would be talking shite, you petulant mushroom.  She knew that she would be heavily criticized for daring to take care of herself.

I wish all these pasty chuckleheads who are giving her shit could be literally put in the position to see how much danger Biles would have been in if she’d continued, except they’d probably get winded and dizzy running a 40.

Never lets me down.  

I cant stand how NBC makes the whole thing about American exceptionalism with non stop puff pieces.1

But Al Butler of United Press International reports that her exit wasn’t injury-related and instead has been attributed to a “mental issue she is having.”

That stupid laugh just made me want to mollywop him. With his squishy face, that costume wig hair and a mouth full of the worst lies, he is a permanent skid mark on society. (Not the kind made with tires)