Cheese Knee II

Not on the big stuff in life really, not into sky wizard, now my tastes in music and movies are plenty unpopular but those things don’t actively sicken or kill people like infectious diseases or the climate.

Personally, I wish they could just tone down the crazy until my kids are vaccinated. Then they can go back to their regularly scheduled death cult.

You know, I’m generally opposed to the death penalty, but this honestly might be an exception for me.


I was thinking something more germane to the situation ,like locking her in a room with a rabid animal and be like oh we happen to have a vaccine for that

Spot on. No one trusts anything anymore. When you have unequal application of the rules. When politicians, religious institutions and media put their price and interests ahead of truth and duty don’t expect trust to ever return.

It is not that it is doing this.

Your reasoning and logic are BS and that analogy doesn’t apply. GTFO

“your device is scanning itself”... if you aren’t the one telling it to perform the scan and controlling exactly what it’s scanning for, literally nothing else matters. The tool is in place, changing who uses it and/or how it’s used will be a trivial matter.

Something else going on here.

Let’s search 100% of the iPhones to catch .001% of the users- or fewer?  The only thing worse than CP is being presumed guilty and having to submit to a search without my consent.

Im so sorry to hear that, and hope you can find somewhere safe to be soon.

Genuine question - acknowledging that this new policy could lead to a slippery slope of privacy erosion, what alternative technologies could Apple implement to help fight CSAMs that would not elicit such concerns?

Somehow, I doubt that this actually launches. They’ll backpedal. I’ve read dozens of articles about this, and absolutely none of them have been positive.

I can understand people living in countries where they are not used to the government taking advantage of such things, but believe me, there are some of us who live in places where automated systems like these could put our entire families at very serious risk.

It’s fingerprinting every single one of your pictures to compare against a database. Is that not enough of a privacy violation? 

The tinfoil side of me says that this backdoor was always planned to be implemented and they knew people would notice, so they decided to launch it in plain sight by connecting it to the one thing that they figured no one would possibly be opposed to.

Future policeman at 5am: “You are under arrest and will be executed for supporting the wrong thing”

Less incentive I would think. Plus Nestle needs that water, not us. 

American roads currently get a D grade from the American Society for Civil Engineers