Cheese Knee II

People whoare seriously upset by their inability to hurt themselves in this game, seem like the people are who would most benefit from having that material removed.

It’s just like how people complaining about “free speech” seem to always be about openly racist and make everybody believe conspiracy theories that aren’t real.

Imagine getting super mad in real life that your fictional character can’t commit suicide in a video game. Gamers are the fucking worst lol 

Well, I’m a stable and well adjusted person... And frankly I found those moments quite unsettling. Which I’m sure was the point.

I wish I was shocked by this, but there IS a reason a lot of people associate gamer with reactionary asshole.

One popular comment suggested that “Snowflakes” were to blame

Not the time to weigh in on what? To weigh in that the developer is perfectly within their right to remove portions of the game they feel shouldn’t be there, and that the people review bombing it are a bunch of entitled crybabies? Which is like... what the ENTIRE article is about?

Literally the only incorrect “weighing

No worries, I have had suicidal ideation and selfharm.

No doubt this will make a top 10 of youtube gamer “censorship/dictatorship cancel culture strikes again” lists. I keep forgoting how they’re the worst treated minority in the world.

I’ve noticed a significant number of these people claim that they’re not being unreasonable and they should be allowed to review bomb because content was removed/changed without their consent years after they bought it.

A bunch of the commenters seem to be arguing that it was cennnntral to the game 🤣

Literally what a dude replied to me with above "what's next take violence out of GTA because patriarchy WHERE'S THE LINE"

That’s how people work, though. We change over time. It is unlikely they got out of bed to do this, rather than that his has been a process and conversation going on. The previous toggle shows they’ve been wrestling with it. You’re make a false equivalency. Their reasons are in the article and they are reasonable.

I cannot imagine caring that much about something so minor. Do these people not have anything else to do?

Come on, guys.

Whenever this type of things happen, it’s not just a temper tantrum. It’s an organized campaign. It’s people getting indocrinated in conspiracy theory tactics: the negation of reality.

As a person who’s never had to deal with suicidal ideation maybe now’s not the time to weigh in?

What a bunch of whiny babies. 

Depictions of self harm and suicide in VR are, at least anecdotally, much more triggering than non-VR depictions. I, myself, struggle with media that depicts cutting—I can’t imagine how I’d react if something like that happened to me in VR without warning.

It’s been a few years since I’ve played the PSVR version of Superhot, but from what I remember, the part where you have to shoot yourself in the head was necessary to progress to the next part of the game (maybe free play mode?). I wonder if they just removed that arbitrary gate, or if they put something else in its