As a Jays fan, I love watching everything about this team.
As a Jays fan, I love watching everything about this team.
Seems about right. Huge hype at the beginning, withered real quick though. If NHLers are banned from the Olympics, hopefully WCH can replicate the feeling of those games, as watching Olympic hockey stresses me out like no other sport.
Even as a Canadian I just watched a period and switched back to the Jays game last night, would rather the regular season just start again
Iwatched it during a commercial, came damn close. Fucking people putting onions on their pizza
I’m at a bar watching the Jay’s/Yankees game trying not to cry in public so
I gave my two week notice on Monday and now all my duties have been reassigned already. How the Hell do I survive the next week at the office, there’s only so much sports to read about
+1 % ABV
Went to school with someone that had kind of two sets of teeth because they never pulled their baby teeth out, not all of them mind you, but a good chunk still there — fuck it was weird sometimes
As a Jays fan, I hate to agree with you, but agree I do. Begrudgingly.
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man I wish I weren’t at work so I could watch that right now
+1 shoop da whoop
....shit I got burned hard
The way that email was written, looks like my boss sent it
+1 new keyboard from spilled coffee
I was drunk last night and ALMOST did that to someone that didn’t have a drink in their hand. Comments like this one saved two cute girls from my stupid ass.
From Canada, never followed the NFL before, going to slightly because we’re doing fantasy football and why not have a dog in the race, but who the fuck do I choose as a team that’s not too bandwagon-y, but also not the Bills or something
As a 90's child, can confirm