
I’m less concerned about those that abandoned their carts, and more concerned about the sanity of people who DIDN’T. The cheap bedsheets will still be there tomorrow, Linda. 

Just curious, was there a moment when you thought not to make this comment, because that was a critical moment. 

a family that allegedly paid more than $6 million to get their failchild admitted to Stanford

I remember when he came up, I was 17 and still really in to baseball, and I thought, “This guy’s 27, and coming over from Japan? And he’s not a pitcher? Yeah, good luck.”

Of course Phil didn’t know in advance that The Key wasn’t legit. If he had he would have dumped the stock before it hit the news.

Those that hate their hate being hated.

Here are answers that are almost certainly longer than you or anyone wanted:

If they are going to have the extra week leading up to the Superbowl, my suggestions:

Ayyyy! Why you so a prejudiced against Italians, huh? 

C.Montgomery was ahead of his time.

In FIFTY YEARS, it will be collectible in the way that punch card readers are collectible today.

You hear Muncy call Rich Hill “dick mountain” after the game

Both sides are stupid isn’t “not saying anything” it is saying something idiotic and banal and dangerous. In America we hear this shit ALL THE TIME and it covers up the very worst from bad actors. The rise of the modern radical reactionary Republican party and Trump is due completely to the masses of people who say

*shrug*. I mean, most non-super-religious families at least let their kids taste adult beverages. My mom would let me sip her wine every now and then and my dad and uncle tried to settle their life-long argument of Bud vs. Busch (conclusion: both suck) with a blind taste test with my brother and me. I think Lebron

I assumed it was a throwback to having a reserve tank, but not sure.

I think a lot of people weighing in don’t watch very much tennis. Penalties, regardless of the infraction, in tennis escalate:

I recall basically the same logic during the 2016 election getting us into the mess we’re in now. “I’m not voting for Killary. Maybe if Trump wins, things will get so bad, people will finally wake up and we’ll have the progressive revolution that this country needs.”