
Jesus dude I meant it’s been a saying for along time meaning just because you’re old doesn’t mean you wouldn’t have heard it because it’s something the kids say. Sorry I answered your question you were to damn lazy to answer, next time how about a thanks instead of a smug answer about your aged wisdom. Note also, I

Nothing to do with being old, Greatest Of All Time (goat)

The NFL would capitalize off of it in less than three games would be my guess. And at least two politicians would make a career off of being supportive enough to throw a baseball to start a game after wards. And think of all the money the war mongers would make as the deplorables support stripping US citizens basic

Because I was curious, I decided to find out who she is. Turns out she married Kelsey grammar. Her name is Camille.

Yes.. but I’m pretty sure it’s a lot easier to score some Mexican dirt weed then a nuke. So there’s that.

I’m ok with the LC going to seven games, but I’m one of the few people who loves the one game wild card, the only exception to that rule is if they go to a three game playoff - one night game, next day afternoon game, if it goes to three it’s a double header, finished in two days. Think of the madness managers would

I have an idea that can shorten the total time spent on baseball during the regular season by 20-30 total hours for each team. Shorten the season by ten games, done. Boom! Want to shorten it further, allow ties during the regular season! Leave everything else alone, except maybe encouraging players (both hitters and

Health of the populace, health of the planet, helping the unfortunate, educating the youth.

Your definition of “everyone” is odd, especially when you consider 8 people in the world have wealth than around 50% of the world.

I respect that, even if at times it seems a fool’s errand. In the end, the idea that logic and fact will win is pretty essential to my staying optimistic about the path of humanity.

Right, but if someone is tech savvy enough to get around buying Photoshop wouldn’t they likely know how to do these simple tasks?

Honest question? Are there people who don’t know how to do basic Photoshop stuff like this and still buy Photoshop? It seems like if I needed such basic stuff I’d just go with GIMP or any other free alternative?

See, I’m not so sure that’s even an easy one. Perhaps (and I’m far from an expert on the Dept of Ed.) It just needs a major overhaul and not just to be done away with. Especially when (to me) education should be one of the government’s priorities, and when some states show a predilection to teach creationism among

Unnecessary govt agency? Whatcha want to bet you, me and everyone else has a different opinion on that?

Well we take the money before, and burn it to cook them I thought? Billionaire roasted over stacks of crisp hundreds is delicious I hear.

And God has a big white beard too. Like literally believe that.

Are either of those guys U.S. citizens? Maybe he’s trying to figure out how they made it into the country. Immigration research?

If I get a vote, I’ll say yes. Unfortunately I’m just a citizen of this country I have no say in..

He could have, however Obama was a rational human that doesn’t see everything as an affront to his fragile ego.