
Yeah fuck Ceres, I hate that son of a bitch

See the librul med-e-uh wants u to believe that Pluto isn’t a planet! Or is a planet... I’m really not sure anymore, but it’s definitely the librul med-e-uh that is doing something!

Ironic, but I think you misread evenbaggierstrousers intent in what he said.

I’m not sure how, but this seems to be the most believable and comforting thing that has happened in the ONE MONTH since the inauguration.

It seems nice and all, but wouldn’t that be punishing the children for having idiot parents? Basically forcing them into a self perpetuating loop of idiocracy.

I know just the man for the job! It’s whoever has to clean up what ever financial disaster king Cheeto takes us into.. think FDR is available?

Whiner whines about whining. Story at 11.

Snowflake is the oddest new insult, I think the best spin I can give it is “you have strong opinions on something that I disagree with,” but the truth is I think it’s just thinly veiled fear of losing entitlement. Which is a nice way of saying this who is it are small minded morons.

Dear troll,

I agree with the first part of what you said. But the line between technology and politics is a very blurry unclear one. Also this current administration has done nothing to prove that it doesn’t deserve to be watched and critiqued at every damn moment. He’s pissed off our allies, he’s appointed people who literally

Well people with half a brain or more and compassion for others do.. the rest are ignorant and have to resort to lame names like obozo to prove that they are angry, over well honestly, I’m not sure what you fuckwits believe, because the truth sure ain’t one of them..

Oh come on, compared to Trump it was at worst a full trashcan fart parade.

Hey we’re all in to different things and if proctology exams are yours who am I to judge!

Unless you’re joking, which I don’t believe you are, the amount of cluelessness in your comment is staggering. Like I’m actually baffled at this amount of stupidity..

Blah blah snowflake blah blah... You got me good with that zinger..

Haha hahaha haaaa. Good one! Sick burn. Really digging your feet in on that one aren’t ya..

I miss Obama, before the government became a right wing dumpster fire shit show.. but I guess those two things are behind us both now, eh?

Hey put your panties back on! Ok, fine..I basically thought the same thing, was even a little jealous for a moment.

Oh, if you’re looking for giz specific articles (I did misunderstand that point) here’s one from 2014

I do agree it’s a bit of pot calling the kettle, but shouldn’t the department of education have slightly higher standards when it comes to punctuation and grammar then random blog on the internet?