
You’re not a very good troll, you should practice and if you’re not trolling, do some mind exercises to improve simple cognitive functions, because you are seriously deficient in them.

You honestly have serious issues with your relationship with reality. You’re literally making up view points for someone you’ve never met. Oddly everything you’re making-up about me, a person you have never met nor said anything that you are implying to have said seems to apply to yourself based on your actual words.

It’s purpose? It’s called an anecdote, and this instance of an anecdote is relatively nonpartisan. As in ‘hey look that newspaper made a funny mistake,’ but then you used it to show your rage and hatred. You also projected my political leanings, projected my affection for both this article and projected my love of

Well they could have done that, but he did it while being not white...

I’m thinking it’s more of a “so long and thanks for all the fish” situation. Or in other words these whales have been following the news the last three weeks closely.

Honest question, what the fuck is wrong in your head?

Actually this shit has been a contentious issue for quite some time for all tech sites, but don’t let your selective memory burst your right wing bubble filled with alterative facts.

Noooooo.... Since this is giz let’s use Tom wheeler, he got tons of negative press when appointed to the FCC, but turned out he wants to use his new position to help the people and not corporate interests, so people quit criticizing him. We’ll quit criticizing these people when their questionable past is shown to bean

I took a few days off.. no internet or phone, lots of outdoor time.. it didn’t solve a goddamn thing and shit was still awful when I got back.. but I had two days of only a mild fear that the asshat president wasn’t invoking nuclear war... I started this comment with the hopes of helping... Sorry

It would surprise the fuck out of me if he put in someone competent and that has the interest of the public at large in mind.. that shit might give me a heart attack (though I like autocorrects heart stank better)

I have an idea. Fuck you! This is fun, your turn!

Yeah that’s great and all, but this president ain’t the one that’s going to do that...

I mostly agree, if I didn’t read these articles I’d have no idea these fucks do these things. Should I be blissfully unaware of angrily aware? It’s a tough line.

You’re right. But over 162 games some ties are ok and kind of cool. I like, that in those games, maybe some teams were equals.

I’m usually a pretty chill person, but God help us all the day the NL institutes a dh. I will burn this all to the ground. The difference between the AL and NL is the only thing that is holy.

You know heathcoat wanted some of that sweet mark ecko knockoff gear!

Also a no here.

Did that oompaloompa escape from the chocolate factory and become successful? What the hell.. who the hell.. Is that?

Or how about the government makes it easier to obtain information concerning what they do?