
Honestly it had more to do with being a father of an 8 year old. I wouldn’t choose any car over him, ever. Kids with cancer just isn’t funny to me. There’s a lot of fucked up things I laugh at, but the suffering of the innocent especially over materialistic crap isn’t one of them. I guess that’s my line, and this

Can I get the two minutes back that I spent watching this? To dark, not that funny and for a car I’m not that into...

Three million more say “nah, fuck that!”

Honest question, if I’m a soulless money grubbing piece of shit Republican like these fucks are, is Jim inhofe pissed that he sold out his country and the future of America for 1 thousand fucking dollars? I mean I’m poor as shit and I wouldn’t sell out for 1 thousand fucking dollars!

Yeah it’s definitely a suffer in silence thing, because everyone else seems cool with it. But man, it’s worse than nails on a chalkboard for me. I specifically cook soft foods for my family to try and avoid the situation, but it never fails that something comes up that’s just as loud.

We cool. But good help you if you eat potato chips in front of me ! :-)

Yes, because then you’d be trapped in a small echoey cell with the same noises.

Same as you. If I so much as see a family member grab a bag of chips I just leave the room to save them from my silent anger.

I saw that you were being sarcastic, but i “suffer” from this, I can tolerate other people’s eating if I’m eating if not, I most usually have to leave the room because it causes me a physical discomfort that leaves me gripping the arms of a chair or similar tighter until it ends. I leave the room because it causes me

I agree with you, but I think the point of the article is that this rule is more black and white then the others. This others have nuances (that word gives them more credit then they are due however) that people can say but terrorists, jobs, the children etc. This one is basically a one sided fu to the nonrich. At

I think we need to start some copy paste responses to Fuhrer Cheeto, like

Was there no air mattress close to the size you needed? Carrying a big ole lumpy mattress would drive me bonkers taking up all that space.

If words matter, then how come Trump gets a pass when he can’t speak a complete sentence?

Complete sentences, running a casino, keeping a wife, logical thought, class and decorum...

I’m not so sure, it’s possible, but I’m thinking that he’s implying the people trying to stop concussions etc, which would imply scientists. He’s using the term genius like the term egghead used to be thrown around. As in I know you’re smart, likely smarter than me, so I’m going to find away to demean you for being

But that’s not always true either, i like learning therefore when I meet someone that knows more than I do, I take it as an opportunity. And coach gruden who love schooling up and coming qbs every year should know that, what would be say if some college QB refused to do his little segment citing he knew to much about

I’m actually surprised you know how to read in the first place...

Wait, huh?

I’ve heard from people, the best people, that Trump might actually take that as a compliment. People are saying that he likes being peed on.

This is what I can’t understand, why is having intelligence considered a negative? Why is knowing more then the next guy bad, these sports people love competition, it’s all about being better then the next guy, but as soon as that turns to intellect, fuck that nerd. I don’t get it.