
Honestly? I’d say about 5. Throw in a couple of overly patriotic ads involving mounties on moose and I’d say we’re all winners.

I don’t think anyone is saying terrorists aren’t using social media. What they are saying is how difficult is it to set up a fake account that uses a picture of an American flag and follows Trump, pretty easy. This invasion privacy isn’t going to stop any mildly intelligent terrorist. It’s just going to make them hide

You mean the ole halliburton/Cheney playbook? Don’t worry once fuhrer Cheeto guts wall Street regulation this will all be legal for him and his kkkronies...

I’m pretty sure they’ll just say the Patriots won anyway. #alternativefacts

Universal puberty?

Wait, did you award yourself cotd?

Taxi drivers on strike is a far cry from anarchy, it’s again a mild inconvenience for some at best.

This is a blog, this isn’t a cornerstone of journalistic integrity, the writers have always shown their bias here. But forgive me for missing your point, it’s tough to decipher your meaning at times between that hodgepodge of misspelled words and incorrect grammar you have their (not that my grammar is perfect either.)

The point of protest is to raise awareness. To show those who believe they are not effected that they are indeed effected. And by mildly inconveniencing those at the airport they and we learn that this executive order effects their lives. And for you to lessen a peaceful political protest, just makes you complicit in

No, that is not how this works. Writing about events that have happened does not cause them. You are literally blaming the messenger.

I’m no doctor but I think orange snow is a sign of serious dehydration and probably illness.

But he’s like a smart person..

I’m pretty sure that’s why the writer used the word unverified and not words like confirmed or verified.. so basically you’re mad at him for being correct?

Counterpoint they are only motivated by money.

“liberal hippies are proven wrong...”

Yes because one thing I’ve learned from my time on the internet is they often stop actions because they are inappropriate... :-\

You basically just described mark richts career at UGA and now the hiring of Kirby smart.. we’ll see.

What if we find out he’s sending classified info to Putin via direct message on Twitter? Then maybe?

Fine, I’ll take her as president over Trump.

Also not sane. You? He’s gotten no jobs done yet, and a war with China is idiotic, they’d win by attrition alone if there was any winner at all.. just take a minute to think about what you’re saying there.