
No, just no.

I reread what I said, and it still exposes the flaw in your logic. I never said it was right to hit anyone only that your logic is flawed. Excuse me I need to concentrate on my breathing now otherwise I’ll suffocate.

How do you know the potential aspect until it’s too late though? I mean Rhonda Rousey is 135, 5 foot 7. In other words way smaller than me. By the time you realize she can whip your butt it’s too late.

Well this happened about a year ago.

Hehe.. on second thought, I can’t wait until Trump is “unpresidented.”

Not that I don’t make spelling errors myself, oh I do, but I’m never going to be President either! But shouldn’t a. The president elect take enough time to proofread and think of the consequences of his word before speaking? And b. Doesn’t he have a person who can check for spelling errors or even autocorrect? This is

Look troll, if you had any reading comprehension my “insults” were directed at one particular person who said no liberals had any knowledge of the topic of conservation, which is not true. You said I added nothing to the conversation while failing to realize that you yourself are adding less by taking one part of my

You seem very angry.. that is all.

A bit dense aren’t you? I meant the ease of stopping by the grocery store and picking food up greatly outweighs having to go into the woods at 4am wait for an animal, kill it, clean it, carry it out of the woods etc.

Well.. understand this (and I say this as someone who is quite aware of his own shortcomings in most all things.)

I think vegan communities won’t necessarily donate towards hunting conservation, because vegens traditionally don’t believe in the “murder” of any animal, so they won’t generally support any hunting policy. That is a detriment to their stance in my opinion and as such I agree they are not investing in things that

Also that picture is a little funny isn’t it? (Maybe extreme, yes.)

Gun rights was a small modicum of my statement. And to think that traditionally conservative hunters don’t think that the “east coast liberals” aren’t in opposition of their guns is silly.

That’s fair, maybe she doesn’t, and I’ll be honest, any Republican (I admit there are likely Dems here also) politician these days that believes in “land rights” frightens me because usually that means sell it out to the bidder that lined that politicians pockets. Hopefully this guy isn’t that, I really hope he is

Really? Get fucked man, I’m one of those metro liberals. I hike, I camp, I kayak, I explore. I only don’t hunt because I have a god damned grocery store. Instead of pissing on us, realize that there are some of us who don’t want to take your guns away for hunting, we just want people to stop taking them into our

A super bowl fifty ring? That’s strange, there can’t be too many of those. I wonder if we could figure out whose it is/was?