
Hillary Swank? Really? I mean, his form wasn’t that good, but OK...

We Cubs fans love a player that tries his best.

Seems disrespectful toward veterans and the flag, tbh.

According to one site I saw, his base salary for this year is 1.6 million with 4.5 million in signing bonus, so his game check is about 100 grand which isn’t chump change, but not enough to bankrupt him. He might just follow through.

Considering 95% of his salary is signing and roster bonuses, his game check is $179.87 after taxes.

Person to me: Hey, did you know LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony are going to show more poise and concern for fellow citizens and their rights than the president of the United States?

Dale Hansen should trade jobs with Donald Trump. He’s already better spoken and more intelligence than the present president.

Had seen it but neglected to include it in my examples. As MarcusAurelius alluded to, how does this guy not have a semi-regular slot on 60 Minutes?

Now playing

If you’ve never seen the one he gave after the Penn State scandal hit you should find it. It might be his most powerful piece.

This is a poor video of it, but was the first I could find:

There’s more of us than you think

Can I get a Deadspin HoF ballot for Dale Hansen and only Dale Hansen?

Damn, where does WFAA find all these “woke” white people? In Texas, of all places too?

We won’t fight alongside you or for you. But we’ll yell about what we imagine you to be. Deal?

And if you don’t think white privilege is a fact, you don’t understand America.

Sure is interesting how this gentleman, and most of the other veterans I know (myself included) have become this endangered species whose feelings and honor must be protected by the brave patriots in the bleachers and on twitter!

Holy crap. That was amazing.

I’d just like to be the first to offer him a place to stay after he’s run out of Texas. I’ll even give him the bedroom in my 1 bedroom apartment. I’ll take the couch.