
This leads us to one Joe Flacco an elite backup quarterback?

I said this in the other Jets post, but Gregg Williams lining up safeties 20 yards off the ball like he still has Sean Taylor and then being shocked — SHOCKED! — when they’re not able to compensate for, uh...not being Sean Taylor, is both fucking hilarious, and a testament to how long a guy can keep a job in the NFL

the 90-yarder is the best because Williams had the safety lined up per usual 20 yards back and Odell still ran by him like the safety was Gregg and Odell was a head coaching job

Don’t worry, guys.  I found a matching thumb donor.  From one Drew to another.

LeBatard is one of the most consistent, entertaining voices at ESPN. Suspending him would only confirm and reinforce everything he said. 

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

A great player who won’t be healthy enough to play till next April or might miss an entire season......sounds like a Knick to me. 

I mostly watch for the in-depth hockey highlights and analysis.

But the absolute cruelest thing a pitcher can do is smoke three guys with one 99 mph fastball.

Counterpoint: this is better than literally anything else he would potentially otherwise be doing. Let’s just load Pebble Beach and see him in two years.

Why would anyone care if Jackson ‘defected’ so quickly? Dude got fired & is taking a paycheck from another franchise dumb enough to give him a gig. This isn’t The Decision NFL edition, it’s Carmelo signing with the Rockets.

Man, getting sacked three times in a row, who does Carr think he is; Bobby Petrino?

I don’t know that unfair is the right term here. You’ve got two cars that do the same thing (move people and stuff from point A to point B). One of them has different design constraints due to how that thing (the ability to move stuff and people) is implemented and takes advantage of that to deliver better crash

Bought my Mack jersey last night during halftime as I excitedly talked to my wife about how I haven’t had this much fun watching a Bears game in a decade and that we are finally good again.

$559 for one outfit.

How much to you assholes get paid where this is affordable in any sense? I want to see your budget. Or you don’t have one. Granted, jeans and sneakers are used over and over, $108 for jeans? $179 for shoes? Come off it!

I’ll stay single and have 2 months of groceries paid for, thanks.

$559 for one outfit.

How much to you assholes get paid where this is affordable in any sense? I want to see your

I’ve actually learned to love his ‘heel’ turn this season. Sports needs this, and has always had this. Pressure from sponsors has silenced so much of it but it was always there. I also appreciate LeBron’s non-reaction reaction. If we are going to be forced to watch the same two teams in the finals every year, I prefer

Shit always goes bad, yo.

President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.

Reporter: Can you tell us how it feels to both start and finish with yourself?

Parkey: Feels? I guess a little lonely sometimes, but that is a kicker for you. These guys have groupies lined up around the block and can get into the hot clubs for free, but kickers... unless we are in a relationship we’re used to taking

Would everyone please just calm down? Trump already met with the President of California a few days ago.