
yes, theres a very good reason, period.

Her opponent later admitted that it was the longest he ever lasted with a girl.

Me reading your comment: “What about Tim Dunc — oh... yeah, sounds about right.”

I’m not sure there are ton of absolute, top-10 all-time athletes in any sport who also weren’t huge drama queens.

No no no, this is when Barkley doubles down. He always doubles down. They don’t call him the Round Mound of Rebound for nothing. He’s gonna be right back up. If you’re going to get into a spat with a man who literally threw a guy through a window, prepare to feel the pane.

Really, how hard was the hit? Did Alexander ring Graham’s bell?


No, Trump doesn’t play basketball. Although...

I finally bit the bullet and bought a well-fitting, high-quality wool peacoat last year. Then I lost 50 pounds and it became wayyyy too big.

Kids these days are so soft. Back in my day, you weren’t done in Oregon until you died of dysentery.

The worst part happened when he discovered that Aaron Rodgers wasn’t actually inside the TV.

That tree moved side to side way better than Ronda.

Let’s face it, 240 years was a pretty good, if not unprecedented, run for any republic. Now you’re all set for a despotic banana republic. Good luck with it.

Two things he said this morning:

Shit. I took South Florida +64

One of my buddies who was the center on our college team took a faceful of penis like this, and as a graduation present, from his dad, got an 8x11 for his desk of the glorious moment.

+ 3/5ths?

Michigan AD: Good news coach, we can now go ahead and give Dakich that scholarship.

That’s more of a stunner than an RKO.