Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

Was thinking the same thing... its like all the cancel culture people are upset they didn’t get this cancelled so now they’re just whining incessantly. Seriously, let it go...

“If you’re working on your Macor watching Netflix on your iPad”... its pronounced ma-cuor... and is like Hermes but for Macs. You can only find them with the Louis Vuitton leather laptop bags... ;)

The poster wants the preview screens... CMD+TAB on the Mac just scrolls sideways showing the running apps, but not the preview screen. Personally I don’t need it myself... only really helpful if you have like 20 different Safari windows open... but makes me wonder if the poster knows about Expose or similar... lots of

Depends on the ISP. There’s a thing called DHCP reservations... essentially they use DHCP to assign the IP based on the device’s MAC address, so it may not always change. But mine typically changes 2-3 times a year as they do upgrades or re-subnet. I have cable... not sure how DSL or fiber are different and its

You bring up a good point... my ISP assigned static IP is assigned via DHCP and changes 2-3 times a year as they update their subnets. Wondering what happens when my home IP changes for all my devices but my daughter’s IP who is outside the home doesn’t change...

I’m wondering how Netflix plans to handle the case of “households” not being defined by a physical location. After all, they don’t have Household Plans... they have Family Plans. A family is not a household. I have a daughter in her first year of college. She’s doing school full time and not working. She’s on my

Of course the LED could fail but the camera would still work.

Just a comment that you can’t truly rely on the led “on” indicator as it can be defeated with malware. Granted, less likely on a Mac than say on a PC, but still a possibility. You don’t want to damage your screen, but a physical cover fixes the software challenge. So here’s to the Post-It note when I’m watching

re: unusual viewing schedules... its best to check the property at a few different times if you can. Different days and times of the day. For example, if you’re a ½ block from a school... does the car rider line backup every morning at 8am and prevent you from escaping your driveway? Similar for Fri night high school

It annoys me that you have to turn this on before you can use it as you don’t always know if you’re going to get lost. Apple needs a workflow/shortcut that essentially turns this on anytime you start a hiking, running, walking or similar working, then turns it off when the workout is done. For hiking this would be a

“You earn one “star” per dollar you spend (or two stars if you pay with money preloaded into the company’s app)“... or 3 if you use the Starbucks credit card to load money into the app. I spend about $4 at a time a few days a week, then use the stars to pay for my kids $7 foofoo drinks. Worth noting that SBUX just

Also keep in mind that some items like phones and batteries must be in your carry-on. So if you’re going to try this, ensure you have a bag with some free space in it otherwise you’ll be juggling everything in your hands. Same goes for your more valuable stuff. If your carry on is not a hard case or things inside

That is so dumb when its factored against the risk of adding 3rd party s/w that could lead to vulnerabilities and such. But to each their own... laziness usually has consequences.

Why would you install 3rd party software when its 2.5 keystrokes away? Just hit Command+Tab to bring up the app changer, continue to tap  Tab while holding Command to move to the next app, then move one finger from Tab to Q to quit it. I do this with my left hand all the time... thumb on Command and my index finger on

If you have a CapOne credit card, there’s also an option:

Yup and given the choice I’d rather take my chances with being rear-ended than taking antlers through the windshield.

Yup and given the choice I’d rather take my chances with being rear-ended than taking antlers through the windshield.

Another reason its better to hit the brakes than to swerve... as noted swerving can confuse the deer and cause them to hit you. It can also cause you to hit another car. If you hit the deer, you’re going to damage your vehicle regardless. But if you slam on the brakes and get rear-ended, its the other driver’s fault

This is not a Pixel challenge... its a Google Authenticator challenge and its relevant to IOS as well. I had the same issue when I went from my iPhone 10 to the 12. Wiped the old device and returned it before realizing I missed this step. When I went from the 12 to the 14, I remembered this step and saved myself a lot