Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

Why would you install 3rd party software when its 2.5 keystrokes away? Just hit Command+Tab to bring up the app changer, continue to tap  Tab while holding Command to move to the next app, then move one finger from Tab to Q to quit it. I do this with my left hand all the time... thumb on Command and my index finger on

Well that should speed up the lawsuits against her estate...

I just wanted to acknowledge that the Want to date a family member is something we know about, we’ve reproduced ourselves, we’re working on it. We’re looking to get it fixed ASAP, thanks for all the bug reports, we appreciate it. We’re of course working on the aging bug too.”

Two other use cases:

You skipped one key element that makes ver 8 not the best... its not in the Mac App Store. I migrated from a different tool to 1Pass v.7 when I got my new M1 MBP last fall. Compared to my old tool, 1Password is awesome. And everything syncs up with my Mac, iPhone and iPad (though being an IT Sec guy... I’m still leery

re: calling the police... as a juvenile I did something dumb, was caught, and the police brought me home. I was not alone... 4 of us were busted. The other 3 were disciplined by their parents. My mom wanted to “teach me a lesson”. So in talking to the officer, he said “well they discussed it in advanced which makes it

In addition to “Don’t try to hide the mistake” also don’t lie about or try to minimize it. At least in the corporate and IT worlds... and as it relates to image and risk, communicating about the full impact is better than having to follow-up again later to adjust the scope.

Consider as well that most interactions with police these days are recorded... by them and by us and sometimes by bystanders. If you state that they don’t need your permission if they already have probable cause and they search it anyway, they are indirectly stating they had probable cause by their actions. If you

“On the one hand, there’s the old adage that if you have nothing to hide you should just comply” consider this... say you bought the vehicle used and never checked the spare tire compartment under the mat in the trunk cause you never had reason to esp cause the previous owner told you there was no spare tire back there

Just as the correct response when arrested is silence other than asking for an attorney, the correct answer is always “no”. If you call an attorney right then, they will say to decline the request. If they have probable cause or reasonable suspicion, they don’t need your permission anyway. If they have a warrant, they

Yeah its almost like the writer of the article either doesn’t use a Mac or didn’t actually test the software. Not a single screenshot of it in use... just a re-wording of the apps list of options from their own website. Or maybe the author used it on an older Mac ‘cause I can’t see how this has any value to any person

I’m not sure this is needed on a newer M1 Macbook Pro. I have the late 2021 16" M1 MBP with the higher capacity charging brick (the one that does fast charging). I got it in Nov of last year and as of March I have only 8 charge cycles. Yet I essentially leave it plugged in all the time. Remember that a charge cycle is

One other thing that really helps to preserve the life of an avocado is leaving the stem in until you’re ready to eat it. When you’re at the store or farmers market, try to only buy avocados that have a stem in them.

There is one advantage to collagen peptides compared to other protein powders even if they have little benefit besides providing protein: they’re easily dissolvable and taste free. If you’ve ever tried any protein powder (pea, rice, or any animal based one), they all have that gritty chalky taste and feel. Some are

I’m still using a late 2013 13'’ MBP with 512Gb HD and 8Gb of RAM as my primary work system. It still works. But alas, it won’t get the next release of MacOS. I plan to upgrade, but its not due to cost so much as the competition. I’ve worked in IT for 20+ years. No other vendor makes laptops that still run more than 7

I’ll add that I’m a retired PJ and worked for years mentoring youth in high school that wanted to join the military after high school or college (I always suggested the latter so they would have a degree to fall back on if they were injured while serving... and ‘cause by the time you graduate college you can drink

I think there’s more to the story. Ask yourself how many tall, female olympic gymnasts you see? Very few! And in many cases they also have small(er) breasts and higher pitched voices, even as adults. It comes down to hormones and the changes your body makes (or doesn’t) if the hormones are “re-directed” to say

Worth noting... at least on a Mac its not Chrome: Settings. Its actually Chrome > Preferences which will open a new browser tab to Chrome settings. Pointing this out as it may not be obvious to all users or new Mac users who may look everywhere and not see a “Settings” option.

I can state unequivocably that I’ve never committed a war crime.

FWIW: I’m a retired Air Force PJ and Blackwater PSD contractor that did an 18 month stint as an air marshal. Even air marshals will often not get involved if they think the crew has it under control as protecting their anonymity is paramount. If an AM isn’t going to get involved, should you?