Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

Insufferable assholes is just another phrase for narcissistic sociopath and is true of most men in power... CEO’s, senators, dictators, etc. In my opinion there are degrees of this... some live within the limits but rise the top: Verstappen, Trump, Musk, etc. Others go outside the norms: Bundy, Dahmer, etc. They all

Biggest issue the average person will have is the wire fishing part... lots of homes have crossbeams between the studs which can make fish lines a challenge. Those of that wired our homes with CAT5 or tried to hide HDMI cables in the wall know this pain all too well...

Another option that some lenders off is a one time PMI payment. Say you have 50K but the house you want is 300K so you need 60K down to avoid PMI. Most mortgages... well almost all loans... are very interest heavy at the beginning and principle heavy at the end of the loan. But if the amount of principle paid in the

I have the Apple One Premier. It shows its $32.95 and still shows it will be $32.95 in Nov. I’m sure that will change, but no option to easily switch from monthly to annual. Only option is to cancel, then do a new and choose annual.

“First, open the website in Safari. Click the Share icon from the top toolbar and choose the Add to Dock option”. Or just click File > Add to Dock (two options below Share)... no need to click Share and do it from the submenu.

I would argue that I saw it once to see her and when I got to the end and she wasn’t in it, I watched it a second time only to confirm that she was, in fact, not in it... but in the end, we know what they were after. They were hoping for some Ana boobies and I can relate to the letdown and desire to sue.

Oh F me... next I’m going to have to pay my kids for mowing the yard or taking out the trash. Gone are the good ol days of procreating to ensure you had slaves, errrr I mean children to exploit :/ *sarcasm intended*

I’m sure the Lifehacker offices are more permissive, but where I work now and where I’ve worked in the past, they would frown on the water at the desk. Sure, you can bring water bottles or coffee so spilling is always a concern, but for some reason refilling a drip machine or Nespresso takes it to a different level

I kid I kid...

I mean... like isn’t the best time to take then to a movie theater right after you take them to the bar and strip club? I prefer to do all in one day for maximum exposure :P

For $200 it could be a deal... but not if you factor in that its an Intel CPU. You’d be better off spending a bit more for an Apple Silicon based Mac Mini.

Agreed... my thought is: call the Holmes on Homes guy and he’ll make it right LOL

For young people with limited income, its sometimes best to go with a card with no annual fee. This often comes at the expense of not getting good rewards, but it also saves you the unexpected $40 - $100 annual fee that may not be in your budget if you’re working a close to minimum wage job. When you’re older, more

While I agree with the rental car insurance part, two things to consider: 1) if you’re under 25 some rental car companies won’t rent to you unless you opt in to the extra coverage. 2) a rental car and a rental truck like a U-Haul or a Penske are often viewed differently. Read the fine print cause your rental car may

Look I’m not racist, but (Yes, I know... saying that means I probably am actually a racist) but there are fewer gingers on earth than black people. So when you replace a ginger with a black person, expect some pushback. Imagine if the original Little Mermaid starred Beyonce and you replaced her with Adele... same

I live near a regional airport (PTI) and fly to another multiple times a year (Orlando/Sanford). I can also drive 30 min to another regional airport near me. I’ve used Allegiant for years. Granted, most of their flights are late but the cost can’t be beat if you’re willing to be flexible. They are also always one-way,

For contact sharing, what would be really cool would be an option to auto-update. Its already in iCloud. Imagine if you share your contact with someone and then your number or work email changes. If you had the option to share the change with all that you’ve shared with then they’ll always have your current info. This

For those of us that remember GeekTool and similar... while they didn’t exactly kill it or tools like iStat Menus, the widgets on the desktop for MacOS is welcome. I’m a 20+ year UNIX guy so GeekTool running command like tools and script like “top” overlaid on my desktop was “so cool” at one time. If dev’s update

For $3500 I think this will remain niche for a while. But once all the influencers start hawking it, that may change. Still, its a 1.0 product... 1000% better than what’s on the market today from others, but still v1.0. I’m anticipating the annual refinements that all Apple products get... 10% lighter, 5% thinner, 20%

For $3500 I think this will remain niche for a while. But once all the influencers start hawking it, that may change. Still, its a 1.0 product... 1000% better than what’s on the market today from others, but still v1.0. I’m anticipating the annual refinements that all Apple products get... 10% lighter, 5% thinner, 20%