Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

The wall outlets with USB ports is a nice. I found some on Amazon with 2 x STD AC, 1 USB A and 2 x USB C. A 10pk dropped the price per device to $15 each. Just make sure to reach the reviews as not all devices are created equal and a lot of USB C chargers and such on Amazon have comments about not being able to charge

or the bulb could break in your hand and get glass in your eye (true story or so I’ve been told).

Reminds me of taking tube-based TV’s apart as a kid... so much potential injury yet I managed to survive. But my friend that wanted to make homemade fireworks wasn’t so lucky. Turns out taking rimfire based .22 ammo apart with two pairs of pliers isn’t the best way to get gunpowder. He squeezed a bit too hard on the

The Speedy Mag has no good reviews since 2022 and those look like the ones you get when you give something away to get reviews. And no specs on mAh. Also 2 weeks shipping. The Anker 621 is a few dollars less on Amazon with next day shipping to most places. Its less than .5 inch thick and from a more reputable company.

My rule is any debt that involves interest is bad. So I use a credit card, but only for things I could pay for with cash. I pay it off each month and just collect rewards. In this sense I’m both the CC company’s best and worst customer. If you have good credit, a car can sometimes be had for 1-2% (at least in 2016

I remember a conversation about this on Mark’s Daily Apple. Specifically, it pointed out that the sweet flavor in your mouth can still trigger an insulin response even though the content may not have calories. Most/many people that are “sugar addicts” need to address the insulin response factor...

I bought them on Amazon awhile back. Bought based on reviews showing compatible, replaceable bulbs. I have a 20 pack but swapped out the default LEDs for blacklights on about 6 of them...

Did this a few years back. Really only see results in spring and early summer or sometimes in fall before the weather gets cold. Blacklights add a layer to this that is truly awesome... I already had some solar powered walkway lights... replaced the bulbs and planted them near my plants. The neighbors love it...

“your ground cumin may have been recalled...” I recall some cummin’ :P

Some robo vacs advertise they are better for pets. And I won’t argue that my old Neato was awesome at keeping cat hair and dander under control. But... if you ever have an animal crap outside the litter box be prepared for expenses that are more than the cost of most robo vac’s. I had at least one case where a cat

Similar is true for other loud environments. I frequent shooting ranges and with earplugs in its often hard to communicate with others. There are shooting specific earbuds but Airpods Pro’s do an effective job as well. In fact, they also allow for decent conversation, while cutting the louder decibels.

While this can be immensely helpful, it also comes with some risks. But for those that want to use it... I think it would be beneficial if it could also read from Time Machine backups so that its not just active from the point you install it, but could be fed some of your previous data. It won’t be everything that it

My CC has a straight 2% back on everything. But if you cross 15K in a year it goes to 3% for the rest of the year. I use one card to pay everything but pay it off in full each month... just for points. I typically hit the 15K by March. If I do, I use my CC to pay my taxes then just pay off the card. 1.85% fee but 3%

Especially if you can keep it open and just pay it in full each month. I have multiple credit cards. There’s one I use for just about everything to maximize reward points. For the others, I pay one bill with each every month simply to keep the account open. So things like Netflix, Disney+, the cable bill, electric

Or do two payments... make the regular minimum payment on any loan, then make a separate principle only payment. You won’t get dinged for paying it off early this way... at least not typically. Also, my experience is the only places that penalize you for early payoffs are the same that predatorially target people with

Don’t forget the tried and true option of being an authorized user. In my case I have one CC that I use for everything. It has a very high limit and is paid off in full monthly (they probably hate me for never paying them a dime of interest). When each of my daughters turned 18, I made them authorized users. They each

Was thinking the same thing... its like all the cancel culture people are upset they didn’t get this cancelled so now they’re just whining incessantly. Seriously, let it go...

“If you’re working on your Macor watching Netflix on your iPad”... its pronounced ma-cuor... and is like Hermes but for Macs. You can only find them with the Louis Vuitton leather laptop bags... ;)

The poster wants the preview screens... CMD+TAB on the Mac just scrolls sideways showing the running apps, but not the preview screen. Personally I don’t need it myself... only really helpful if you have like 20 different Safari windows open... but makes me wonder if the poster knows about Expose or similar... lots of

Depends on the ISP. There’s a thing called DHCP reservations... essentially they use DHCP to assign the IP based on the device’s MAC address, so it may not always change. But mine typically changes 2-3 times a year as they do upgrades or re-subnet. I have cable... not sure how DSL or fiber are different and its