Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

Mushrooms often go over-looked as a quick thickener if used correctly. They aren’t as good as dairy or starches or similar, but they are good at absorbing the liquids they’re cooked in. This is as true for a meal with excess butter or oil or a soup. It all depends on what you’re willing to add and how much thickening

Honestly I’m surprised this data came from “UK Biobank” considering that in the UK and most of Europe and Asia they drink more tea than coffee. When you look at the numbers, coffee is more of a North and South America thing (excluding Canada) than anywhere else. Not to say coffee isn’t consumed worldwide... just that

Funny... I learned that you’re not actually supposed to put good knives through the dishwasher (esp the drying cycle) so I wash all mine by hand. But butter knives and pizza slicers still go tip/edge down just in case.

About two weeks back we heard about a power company taking control of smart thermostats in Colorado. All things considered I think I’d rather just pay for my own and see if there are any rebates available vs getting one from a utility that can then take control of it. Remember.. when its *free* there’s usually a

Exactly... and also too much effort for something short term for me. He won’t be toddling forever and he’ll learn the word “no” eventually. Plus mounting straps on things like dishwashers can be more difficult than you think...

I agree with you completely except now I have a toddler. I used to do just this... when it was done just open it and pull the top rack out enough to prop the door open but not have it be open all the way. 30 min later I’d put everything away and it was all dry. Now that I have a toddler I can’t leave it open any

PSA: assuming you have and use a drying option on your dishwasher... make ABSOLUTELY SURE the dish towel is no where near the heating coil usually found at the bottom of your dishwasher. And make sure its secured enough (like inside a plastic cage used for plastics or breakables) that it can’t move and accidentally

Well that should speed up the lawsuits against her estate...

I’ve broken my share of toes over the years... usually by accidentally ramming them into the bed or couch. One thing I’ve learned is that immediately after... even if its a sprain and not a break... grab the tip and pull it straight out to realign it. Its best to do this before the swelling happens and also before

I just wanted to acknowledge that the Want to date a family member is something we know about, we’ve reproduced ourselves, we’re working on it. We’re looking to get it fixed ASAP, thanks for all the bug reports, we appreciate it. We’re of course working on the aging bug too.”

Two other use cases:

You neglected to mention The Terminal List coming to Amazon Prime tomorrow (7/1). Then again... the site is run by the same folks that own and run the content on Jezebel and Gizmodo and the show has Chris Pratt who apparently “isn’t religious” while believing in God... which is basically the antithesis of the content

Worth clarifying the “normal 20%” comment. If you put down 20%, you typically don’t have to pay PMI (mortgage insurance). But if you come in at 5-10% typically you’ll be paying PMI (monthly). That has a direct effect on your monthly mortgage payment and can mean you actually can afford less house. Some people think

My late 2013 13'’ MBP was still working in 2021 when I bought my M1 MBP last Nov. I did so both for the M1 chip and to go back to a larger display but mostly because the 13" was officially losing OS support and being in ITSEC I need to have systems with current updates. But a lot has a changed from 2013 to 2021 in

To clarify... guns don’t kill people. Alec Baldwin kills people.

In fairness to the NRA, this is being pushed by the Secret Service. I’m sure the NRA would prefer to allow all the firearms. No firearms are allowed at presidential events, rallys, etc and like it or not Trump is both a former president and potential 2024 candidate.

You skipped one key element that makes ver 8 not the best... its not in the Mac App Store. I migrated from a different tool to 1Pass v.7 when I got my new M1 MBP last fall. Compared to my old tool, 1Password is awesome. And everything syncs up with my Mac, iPhone and iPad (though being an IT Sec guy... I’m still leery

You forgot three important things... 1) if you’re in bear country carry bear spray. Even normal self-defense pepper spray will work but bear spray is designed to go out farther. I carry a big cannister when camping and regular pepper spray on my keychain. 2) know all the rules about hiking/camping/backpacking in bear

Just to be clear... you are not required to respond to their questions. You must do what the law requires including showing a drivers license, proof of insurance, valid registration, etc. And being polite can help. But you don’t have to answer or respond to ANY question. Not “have you had anything to drink tonight” (I

If you file a complaint for false arrest and its sustained, everything related to it is reversed. The arrest record is expunged without you having to hire an attorney. Impound fees are returned. You can even be compensated for time missed from work while being held. Not saying its easy, but there’s protocol for it. So