Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

Honestly only once. And I said no. They didn’t search and they let me leave with a ticket... in that case I had a valid concealed permit and it was visible when I showed my license (I’ve since moved it). I was out of state and the state reciprocates, but only for firearms. In FL its a concealed weapon permit... guns,

Truth is we deal with a-hole cops even if they don’t ask for permission to search. Always say “no”. My answer to a-hole cops is a “hey siri, I’m being pulled over” workflow just in case. Depending on where my phone is I may not get video, but I will get audio. Its your word against them. Better to have some evidence

Which is why you always file a report. That fast-tracks the process to have the arrest record expunged (an arrest is not a conviction but can still show up on a background check) and have impound fees reversed, etc. No matter what, say nothing and get an attorney. You’d be surprised how many false arrests result in

re: calling the police... as a juvenile I did something dumb, was caught, and the police brought me home. I was not alone... 4 of us were busted. The other 3 were disciplined by their parents. My mom wanted to “teach me a lesson”. So in talking to the officer, he said “well they discussed it in advanced which makes it

In addition to “Don’t try to hide the mistake” also don’t lie about or try to minimize it. At least in the corporate and IT worlds... and as it relates to image and risk, communicating about the full impact is better than having to follow-up again later to adjust the scope.

Consider as well that most interactions with police these days are recorded... by them and by us and sometimes by bystanders. If you state that they don’t need your permission if they already have probable cause and they search it anyway, they are indirectly stating they had probable cause by their actions. If you

“On the one hand, there’s the old adage that if you have nothing to hide you should just comply” consider this... say you bought the vehicle used and never checked the spare tire compartment under the mat in the trunk cause you never had reason to esp cause the previous owner told you there was no spare tire back there

Just as the correct response when arrested is silence other than asking for an attorney, the correct answer is always “no”. If you call an attorney right then, they will say to decline the request. If they have probable cause or reasonable suspicion, they don’t need your permission anyway. If they have a warrant, they

Per the fire marshall, the smoldering cockroach burned off enough insulation to allow contact between the wires. The fire started shortly after he ran the garbage disposal, so best guess is the cockroach ruined the wiring a few days prior, then the vibrations from the garbage disposal lead to sparking/arcing and hence

Funny story re: cockroaches... an old co-worker thought it would be funny to spray a roach with hairspray and light it on fire. Unfortunately, the roach ran away (while flaming) under something. Three days later he had a fire in his place. After 911 and the fire dept left, the fire marshall looked around. Turns out it

Unless you have cats... who will see the centipedes in the middle of the night and go crazy running up the walls and knocking stuff over trying to get them. I speak from experience.

I quote from South Park... I do it for the LOLZ

I quote from South Park... I do it for the LOLZ

I quote from South Park... I do it for the LOLZ

So let’s say a *friend* tried the more passive aggressive approach: he led his wife to believe he was having an affair. Nothing physical happened with *the hussy* but he was accused of having an *emotional affair*. In actuality, this worked... a bit like using reverse psychology on the kiddos. His wife grew insanely

Wine and ciders are worse for me than say stouts but any alcohol in less than 4 hours before bedtime A) makes me sleep really hot and B) usually results in my waking up once or twice with mild insomnia that lasts for 1-2 hours. I used to get up and read or watch some TV, but these days I just tough it out knowing I’m

You missed the other one... alcohol consumption. Drinking around dinner or after can lead to sweating and disrupted sleep cycles.

But $20 says every other Sunday you’re like “damn... I’d love me some Chik-Fil-A... “ followed by “fuck me, its Sunday and they’re closed. JFC”.

Seriously... W T F ? I’m also an ex-Californian. I grew up on 4x4's animal style. But two things about this really make my question my reason for living. 1) when dafuq did In-N-Out start making chips? Was that a German-trial only thing? Or how did I miss the news that the best burger place on the left coast is making

So here in NC we have multiple tulip farms. Each spring they open up for pics and “pick your own flowers”. Usually its about $1 per flower or like 12 for $10. But what I just found out last year is for the same price you can have the whole plant, bulbs and all for the same price. So its worth asking and if you like