Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

Yeah its almost like the writer of the article either doesn’t use a Mac or didn’t actually test the software. Not a single screenshot of it in use... just a re-wording of the apps list of options from their own website. Or maybe the author used it on an older Mac ‘cause I can’t see how this has any value to any person

I’m not sure this is needed on a newer M1 Macbook Pro. I have the late 2021 16" M1 MBP with the higher capacity charging brick (the one that does fast charging). I got it in Nov of last year and as of March I have only 8 charge cycles. Yet I essentially leave it plugged in all the time. Remember that a charge cycle is

One other thing that really helps to preserve the life of an avocado is leaving the stem in until you’re ready to eat it. When you’re at the store or farmers market, try to only buy avocados that have a stem in them.

re: Disney gift cards... you can save money on these two ways: 1) Costco/Sam’s club often have deals where you get 4x$25 cards for $90 or $95. 2) If you use a store card like from Lowes, you can buy a gift card and get the 5% off, then just use the money to pay the card. I’ve done this as gifts to my daughters when

We need this extended a bit so that instead of saying “hey Siri, turn on my bedroom lights”, I can say “hey Siri, lumos”

There is one advantage to collagen peptides compared to other protein powders even if they have little benefit besides providing protein: they’re easily dissolvable and taste free. If you’ve ever tried any protein powder (pea, rice, or any animal based one), they all have that gritty chalky taste and feel. Some are

Its not just NRA stickers on your home. Pro 2nd Amendment or any firearm sticker on your home or car make you a target too. So do those (not so) funny signs from the antique stores that say “we don’t dial 911" or “protected by Smith & Wesson”. My neighbor had his car broken into 5 times and each time they checked the

A lot of people don’t realize that alcohol is converted to sugar (carbs) for processing and since its considered to be a poison by the body, its burned off before normal consumed carbs. So heavy drinking with meals over time has the effect of some of the meal being stored as fats to be consumed later. Many people eat

re: rice... this is why you should measure by volume not weight in some cases. With a chicken thigh you want to measure the weight. With rice its better to measure the pre-cooked volume (ex: 1 cup). The thing I think many people forget are the extras. Most spices dont have much measurable macros, but a lot of salt can

They don’t pose any real threat to people or pets...” says someone that doesn’t own cats. They may not be a threat to a cat, but as soon as your cat sees one on the wall they go ape sh*t crazy... meowing, climbing the walls and doing all sorts of other crazy sh*t including breaking things and knocking them over. If

...may contain “extraneous materials, specifically pieces of bone,” according to the FSIS

Worth noting that there’s ying/yang to not using credit cards vs using them and paying them off each month. I am not credit card dependent, but I do use mine monthly. But I also only use it within my budget. I often will use my CC to pay for something, then immediately make a payment to the CC from my checking

I’m still using a late 2013 13'’ MBP with 512Gb HD and 8Gb of RAM as my primary work system. It still works. But alas, it won’t get the next release of MacOS. I plan to upgrade, but its not due to cost so much as the competition. I’ve worked in IT for 20+ years. No other vendor makes laptops that still run more than 7

Everytime I try to slow it down... I end up slowly gaining on someone else and then think “well, I have to beat him/her/them”. I can’t help it. This happens on trails and at the high school track. I’ve found the best solution is a baseball diamond at the local elementary school. No one uses it after school is closed an

I’ll add that I’m a retired PJ and worked for years mentoring youth in high school that wanted to join the military after high school or college (I always suggested the latter so they would have a degree to fall back on if they were injured while serving... and ‘cause by the time you graduate college you can drink

I think there’s more to the story. Ask yourself how many tall, female olympic gymnasts you see? Very few! And in many cases they also have small(er) breasts and higher pitched voices, even as adults. It comes down to hormones and the changes your body makes (or doesn’t) if the hormones are “re-directed” to say

I had both Airpods and then Airpods Pro’s. Both fit my ears fine, but the Pro’s sound better. But the odd thing is when running the regular Airpods stayed in better. Maybe it was the extra weight or length, but they stayed in no matter how sweaty I got. The Pro’s always loosened up and slipped out (thank gawd for auto

I have one. I use it. Honestly, a thin magnetically held one that charges over the air is a bit more convenient than a bigger, heavier one attached by a cable. I have one when needed. If Apple made one in black I’d get it... but other options exist such as power banks or ones similar to Apple’s but for much less on

To me the difference between the Apple battery and others is the size... its slim enough with rounded edges to still be in your pocket. And for most of us, the process will be to charge it with a lightning cable at night while charging your phone. You don’t need 200 or 300% battery in most cases. In most cases you

Good catch... I hadn’t thought about the three stacked dots > Settings