Screw this unrelenting Kinja registration popup

Worth noting... at least on a Mac its not Chrome: Settings. Its actually Chrome > Preferences which will open a new browser tab to Chrome settings. Pointing this out as it may not be obvious to all users or new Mac users who may look everywhere and not see a “Settings” option.

I can state unequivocably that I’ve never committed a war crime.

I only tell stories at bars over beers :) 

Pretty sure I never asked for your opinion on my original response. Based on all your comments thus far, may I suggest you purchase a larger size of panties? It would seem yours are a bit too tight and causing you to respond like a female dog in heat.

There’s always two sides to every story. Being there is way different than watching it on the news or reading about it in a book. Every org has their bad apples. Just because some of the PMC guys may have thought they had a license to do what they wanted, others knew what the rules of engagement were and what the

Well, its been years. I got out in 09 after taking two rounds in the hip, but spent most of my time doing PSD work for CEO’s of oil companies, senators and congressmen. Say what you will, but remember that even though most of us despise Hillary for allowing Benghazi, she herself used Blackwater and similar PMC guys.

FWIW: I’m a retired Air Force PJ and Blackwater PSD contractor that did an 18 month stint as an air marshal. Even air marshals will often not get involved if they think the crew has it under control as protecting their anonymity is paramount. If an AM isn’t going to get involved, should you?

Until you actually go duck hunting and you tell someone about it but don’t bother to check it and next thing you know your wife wants to know why you’re out fuck hunting with the boyz... Or you tell someone that you had to duck real quick only now you just told someone you had to fuck real quick... which they’d

Another option is to use DICKtation. Granted, Siri only understands what I say about 50% of the time, but she’s surprisingly adept at understanding things like bitch and twat. I find that when I reply with foul words from my Apple Watch or just talking to my phone she properly sends shit, fuck, and cunt (channeling my

I’m pretty darn sure that The Punisher (2017) is NOT coming to HBO since its a Netflix owned series and there was no 2017 movie remake. But I am pretty sure the Punisher from 2004 is coming to HBO Max. Let’s just hope its not the 1989 Dolph Lundgren version...

I’ve stopped and restarted running 3 times over the last 40 years. I never experience the “runners high” until around about month 2. This is also when I usually don’t have soreness, restless leg syndrome and I notice I start to sweat less for the same level of activity.

Should probably go without saying... but also make sure you eat first. We have a “team building” event once every other month or so (starting up again after almost a year and a half). I will sometimes work through lunch or do a light lunch or even a workout at lunch, but not if I’m drinking with co-workers that night.

I mean... I’m just glad that Starbucks is so inclusive that they also let Karen’s buy their venti iced drinks. I mean imagine a world where race or gender or sexual preference/orientation wasn’t ever an issue, but we discriminated against white Karen’s and they’re middle-aged white partners. What a sad world that

Agreed, I think it was IOS 12 or 13 where they moved it from something like Display > Settings to being under Accessibility. I’m perplexed how screen brightness is an accessibility thing, but even more perplexed that the Lifehacker author wouldn’t check his work before posting it. But he probably doesn’t even use an

Still, it’s worth a shot. The auto-brightness setting is located in Settings > Accessibility > Display & Brightness.

I’ve used apps to track my fitness endeavours (and failures) for years. I’m usually more active than my spouse (will walk with her and run on my own) so I always found it intriguing that in a 45 min, 9min/mile, 5 mile run I would burn off 600 calories, but walking that same 5 miles would burn 450 calories. I also do a

I’m in this same boat. My Mom used to say “horses sweat, men perspire, and women glow”. Unfortunately, I’m genetically predisposed to sweating like a horse. Four of us can help someone move and the other three will be somewhat sweaty whereas I’ll be drenched through. Its worth noting that people that sweat more also

I’ve been in apartments for 5+ years (hopefully this is my last year in one) and have done the following:

I’m just going to say this: thank you for a well balanced article. Most of the stuff that comes from the article writers on the related websites under your parent company/brand aren’t as well thought out and balanced as this article so thank you for that. I very much appreciate that you realize there are firearm

My son is in college and did a proof study on this and found that the more personal information you include on your resume, they more likely you were to be subject to racial bias. Specifically, your race and address could be used to discriminate. They found that when a caucasian with a zip code in a “non ghetto” area i