
The proportions seem off but I am intrigued, and no, it doesnt look like a Mercedes SLK.

I will give Cadillac this, as far as I’m concerned, they sure know how to do concept vehicles


That’s what the police want to know.

Ggenerally accepted on Jalopnik is “Prii”.

Move back!

Ford Explorer from the front and a Toyota Rav4 from the side.

Today you are a funny troll, have my star.

That was a great story.  He is a bigger Jalop than I will ever be. 

Brilliant last sentence.  You deserve my star.

Wow. That looks nice. I had no idea a Z4 came in that color.

And?  How was it? Curious minds want to know. 

Just 4 months? Be grateful you're not in northern Minnesota. 

LMAO dont spend over 10% of your gross on a car. Hell, I can save you even more money......dont buy a car. Instead walk, ride a bike or take the bus. No need to leave the city - it's dangerous beyond the borders where the wild, rural folks live. I guess if you had to leave the city you could always fly to the other

There is. NewerTTaurusis notoriously bad on interior volume.

I have real maple syrup.  Do you have waffles?  Then all we need is butter.

should be yellow.

I’ll star that on principle
