
Biscoff biscuits are awesome. Fight me. 

Maybe because several of us have said we would prefer to drive a car with a manual - EVEN if it’s electric.

Great video idea. Wish I’d thought of it.

Well now the solution appears obvious. You need to learn to drive stick then take "his" car each and every opportunity you have. 

I don’t get it? Do that many people actually curb hop in parking lots?

I guess it's true. The herbaceous overlords have no tolerance. 

Wow. The mere mention of Deadspin puts you in the greys.

Bit inquiring minds want to know, Who’s the best driver at Deadspin?

Hilarious reply. Safe too. Have a star. 

came for this. was not disappointed.

C6 no? Saw one of those pull out of an embassy once.  It looked absolutley cool.  Then I saw the back window and - mind blown. 

Sex on wheels.

Best IT 404 page ever.

Because asshat.

I can’t handle the change!

That’s a strong relationship. Keep working at it!

The power for hitting the ball comes mainly from the thighs and midsection not the arms. Bat speed starts with a lift of the front foot, rotation of the hips followed by shoulders and arms. Think of a bullwhip. The part by your hand starts slowly but by the time the motion is carried to the tip it is moving so fast it

which makes me think that MLB could increase viewership by requiring baseball players to wear lycra or spandex.

No one has to read Deadspin anymore.  I mean geez, I can get all the sports news I want from my *preferred* locations. 

Who says he’s not watching? Perhaps he nudged PCA from beyond the grave? Perhaps he was an influencer at multiple locations AT THE SAME TIME. Perhaps this was the only way a merger could have happened.