
Any landing you walk away from is a good landing. 

VW Golf. SE or Wolfsburg trim in auto or manual. Affordable, fun, practical, can accommodate a wide range of driver sizes, small, well built. 

Well, I’m sure political bumper stickers would become a loophole. 

I’m 6'3" and I fit with room to spare. Currently my 6'5" son has my car while his Speed6 is in the shop for some routine maintenance. He has no problem fitting in my car. Caveat is we are both long legs and short torsos. If you are the reverse YMMV.

Kessy is VW lingo for keyless start. It’s here in North America too.

Putin knew about this 5 years ago.

Woa Tom - sell the Miata, keep the Gladiator and the frumpy Honda Civic? You are throwing cold water on someone’s wet dream. Dude clearly wants to buy a new vehicle, itching to buy a new vehicle.

Saturn Vue bonus - plastic panels mean no rust in Indiana!

An older Ferrari getting smoked by a modern minivan - 10/10 would pay to see this. 

That is a great idea.  

About a year ago I did a deep rabbit dive into Mooney’s just for the heck of it. The M20 is a well built classic, fast, sips fuel, small cockpit, decent payload, virtually unique landing gear deployment system and a cadre of owners that are extremely devoted fanatics.

Yes, the Baron and others flew by the seat of their pants.

Learned to drive manual on one of these. Showed up to work one day and the old full size Chevy pickup was gone with a LUV in it’s place. Boss said take it to pick up an order downtown. I grabbed the keys off the peg board and headed out to the truck and was just dumbstruck at the manual. Hmmmm. Boss must have assumed

Do Germans appreciate the “Project Krassler” joke? 

The good news is that I found the right engine mount on German eBay, but unfortunately, it had a manufacturing defect, so I had to do a bit of drilling to get it to work:”

Does a commuter car require 200hp and 185 ft#? A 0-60 time? No and no. But what happens if that information is not available? Maybe I am just too decision-information driven but if the car doesn’t have that info and something else I am considering does guess what? I am susceptible to the sales person saying something

Because you are not a certified Cheap Bastard™

Because fun. 🙃

It has, unfortunately, already been rehashed ad nauseum. No Dice it is.

Not really. In the past 6 months my Golf had an engine replaced at the dealer by insurance. I think that went to $5,500. My son’s mazdaspeed6 had the engine replaced (stock engine garage f’ed it up) and that was $3,500. Both engines were used and mileage was less than the car. FWIW the Mazda did not come with much of