
OK I am late to the party on this one and quickly looked through the comments but did not find what I expected to see. Does no one else see this as the love child between a Supra and a Dodge 200 or frankly BMW left the keys to the design studio with the Supra team and they snuck in one night and had a crash course

I still think that front end is badass.

Kudo’s to you for convincing bureaucracy they were wrong. I have to say I am spoiled here in Minnesota, want to drive a car then register it. It is based on value and it decreases quite quickly with time.  Want to not register a car? Not a problem, let it lapse, you can renew it anytime afterwards no penalties.  O,

Retired white men gotta do their shit

I'd get wet! 😁

Good gosh that sounds like an accountant doing accountant things that become policy.

I love being able to help someone out like that.  Have done that for a few children of friends (but only once with a car).

Hope you were being s/ bc no he didn’t!

And watch out for the damn deer. That will ruin your trip. 

I live 15 miles from US-2 and drive it almost weekly.  Every time I'm on it I think about going all the way west or east. Someday. 

“I found myself starting to hate each one I saw by the end of it.”

Jason, to correct and add additional important information, a REDHEADED woman, 20-35 years old in mustard pantsuit, sans shoes, holding a rifle, in the desert. Geez, get it right or we will never find her.

Best summary of what to do post hit.

My guess is that paying for the hospital and MD bills with little to no insurance would cost a family $40-$50g’s? Anyone know for certain?

Kudos to Ms. Poe for not rising to the bait.

I thought the same - “Looks like a Lincoln”, I said out loud to no one in particular.

Power locks and manual windows that was common back in the day. The rationale? If you end up in the lake or river the water shorts out your power door locks so the doors will not open but your manual cranks will save your life. You can escape out the window once the water pressure on the window equilibrates.  No lie,

Wait, I thought this was one of the reasons that we were getting fewer and fewer manuals for sale.......since it’s a different drivetrain it had to be crash tested.  Since they sell so few it was too expensive to crash test all the manual configurations.  Well, if some of these models are not tested because of low

Fucking cool.

Hell, I had no idea it was still available this year.