Seriously, if it involves animals or the elderly I'm usually a wreck within a few seconds. Don't even get me started on videos of dogs reacting to their "people" coming home. Just thinking about it has me getting weepy again.
Seriously, if it involves animals or the elderly I'm usually a wreck within a few seconds. Don't even get me started on videos of dogs reacting to their "people" coming home. Just thinking about it has me getting weepy again.
I have gotten up to 45 seconds but by then I'm practically in tears. It is nice to look down at my stomach and go "ooooh, flat" but yeah...not fun. I haven't tried the advanced moves yet, I'm too scared.
I'm seriously sitting at my desk here at work trying not to cry. I have a big box of tissue sitting next to me and I'm glad that I do...dab dab dab at the eyes.
Montrealer here and therefore a dyed-in-the-wool Habs fan and I totally agree with you. Most Canadians don't base their "hockey pride" on how many Cups Canadian teams won / when they won. We just love our Canadian hockey (and in my case, Canadiens hockey).
I'm a Canadian woman with an Arabic last name but I'm not Muslim and I now actively avoid flying to certain airports (some in the US and some in Europe). I've been screened, patted down, asked to open my purse / take off my shoes and sweater - in full view of the other passengers - and so on. Even with all of that, I…
Honestly, she's really gorgeous when she isn't spackled in...spackle. Nicki, keep up this look, you look amazing!
Seriously, tell me she didn't tattoo the word selfie on her lip? I find lip tattoos to be freaky to begin with (the pain, the paaaain!) but if she has done it, I can only shake my head.
Wasn't it just? I was practically wriggling in my chair, I was so excited to see it finally happen.
I do too! It's Thursday morning and am at the office, sipping my coffee, and come across a sentence like "Forget "steak," "scrapple" is too highbrow of a description for that shit. The fact that they're not legally obligated to label it "stayk" is the clearest indication yet that the FDA is asleep at the wheel."
Eeesh yeah, that's about $100 over what I can afford to pay right now. Maybe it'll go on a super duper sale? LOL. If not, oh well, no dress for us.
Apparently it's Tory Burch (Birch? IDK lol) and it's like $550. So yeah, not really affordable for plebs like me but not too bad overall.
Exactly, this is why this story really tears me up. I can only imagine how desperate the woman must have been to leave her kids in the car but at the same time she left her young children in the Arizona! One part of me wants to smack her - so to speak - and the other part wants to give her a hug.
Same here, I wasn't even aware that they aired at the same time. Whoops. I almost always wait until the next day and rarely have any trouble. Also, I have read the books so the need isn't as urgent, I guess.
I was thinking the same thing, it does suck to be obsessed with food. I'm currently trying to move past that very issue; I recently lost 13 lbs thru cutting calories and now find I'm like...uber focused on every single calorie I eat even though I'm no longer trying to lose weight. And believe it or not, when I was at…
I agree. I know she probably doesn't cut the fabric / sew on buttons and so on, but her designs are nice (though a lot of them make me think you really do need to be a size minus 1) and she's obviously a success. D&G might juuuust be a wee bit jealous.
I'm a woman who's been dealing with finances and financial stuff for a while now and I'll readily admit that a lot of it is just totally wtf-y / gobbledegook. That doesn't mean that I want a financial planner who'll try to act like I don't know the difference between a checking account and a savings account.
From what I've heard McD's coffee is very good. We also had a "free small coffee" promo not too long ago and my bro really liked it. I myself usually drink it mixed with hot chocolate - I find it too bitter otherwise - so it's sort of a moot point for me but yeah, methinks this promo will at least get people in the…
ITA and I can only hope that most sistren (love the term, by the way) think the same as you. I was fortunate enough to make it through my youth relatively unscathed but I've been in situations where I've had to intervene / interfere to keep others out of harm's way.
You name it, I've tried it. I even have a (thankfully very light) scar on my chin from when one of his back claws caught me. The only thing I've found that sort of works is using an old pillowcase...I lure him into the pillowcase then put the entire wriggling mass into the carrier.
Seriously, getting my cat into his carrier requires at least two people (and ideally an open can of tuna to lure him into the same room as the carrier). If Mika didn't get clawed at least once then I can only assume that she sedated that poor cat.