
You keep making this claim that people would be just as angry if he wanted to join the chess club, but I don’t believe that’s true in the slightest. Members of the chess club do not typically have stadiums full of people cheer for them. They don’t get special privileges to cut classes or take tests at different dates

That’s awesome - I think I’d heard that once before and had forgotten about it. She really was phenomenal.

I saw this title and literally said, “Nooooooooooooo!” out loud. Barbara Cook was an amazing talent and one of my musical idols. It’s not just her voice, which is wonderful, but (as fellow genius and idol Stephen Sondheim accurately noted) her interpretation and performance of songs - she gets them on a visceral

Yeah, I have deeply conflicted emotions about the two younger girls, and her in particular, because on the one hand I am profoundly sick of every Kardashian or Kardashian-adjacent celebrity and want them to go the hell away, and she’s clearly become an insufferable, narcissistic idiot like the rest of them at this

Yup. He’s Bobby Newport if Bobby Newport were a sociopath with a chinchilla stapled to his head.

I feel like it would be extra fun if we started with terms they recognize as having to do with the female reproductive system before switching to completely unrelated anatomical terms. Given how pig-ignorant and anti-science these idiots are, I have a feeling that we could genuinely convince them that “jejunum” or

It’s getting worse insofar as they’re significantly more open about it these days. A lot of Republicans’ response to Trump and his campaign staff getting away with bragging about, threatening, and committing violence over the course of his campaign has pretty much been “Hooray! It turns out people will still vote for

The whole “this is the Fun Plan and we cannot deviate from the Fun Plan” mentality (which is a great way to describe it) is so weird to me. Like, I know there must be people who actually have that sort of party because articles like this exist, but every bachelorette party (and every bachelor party, for that matter)

I’ve been trying not to think about the Republicans’ attack on health care any more than I can help, because I just panic when I do as well. I have multiple chronic conditions and my current meds come out to something in the range of $1500 per month, and that’s before getting into all the doctors’ visits and medical

No, it really isn’t that simple. I am disabled. It is physically impossible for me to engage in most forms of exercise. I also take a very necessary medication that has both weight gain and weight retention among its side effects. In order to lose weight through dieting while taking said medication and being limited

Really, Tristan? Really? Sigh.

Speaking as someone with a classical background...she could sing quite well for a ten-year-old. If her voice and technique have not drastically improved since then, she is rapidly approaching complete mediocrity. She may be a nice kid, I don’t know, but she’s fundamentally a novelty act whose novelty is about to wear

That’s fabulous.

I am baffled by people who think the tone of this piece is “whining” or “anger” or literally anything other than “affectionate, mildly exasperated amusement.” Apparently reading comprehension is hard?

I mean, I think there’s a difference between your story, which is a pretty straightforward “I married my high school sweetheart” story, and “I’m getting married to a guy I obsessed over for a decade even though he didn’t feel the same way about me and told me so repeatedly!” The former is pretty normal (it’s unusual,

Oh, what a load of sanctimonious crap.

No, it doesn’t suggest “a degree of detachment that one would not feel if one was brutally raped,” both because there isn’t one singular way that people deal with being raped, because I don’t actually think making art out of one’s trauma suggests “detachment” at all (I mean, do you also think Maya Angelou wasn’t raped

Just so you know, it’s actually incredibly common for rape victims to treat their rapists normally afterwards. I know women who cooked their rapists breakfast the next morning. I continued dating a rapist for some time after he first raped me. It didn’t make the fact that I was crying and saying, “no, stop, please,

I wouldn’t mind Dev Patel as Aladdin IF the rest of the cast were still ethnically Middle Eastern. Presumably there would be at least some immigrants in the fictional kingdom of Agrabah, there has definitely been trade between the Indian subcontinent and the Arabian peninsula in real life for a very long time, and it