
Is yours obsessed with correcting “remember” to “fermenter”? Because mine does that all the freaking time when I haven’t even misspelled “remember” in the first place. I have no idea why my phone is perpetually convinced that I really, really want to tell people to fermenter to pick up milk at the store or ask them if

I don’t know if she deserves better. If she did wouldn’t she also choose her men more wisely?

It’s cool. Plenty of us in the US are laughing, too, although in our case it’s often because the alternative is crying. I thought Reagan was too dumb to be President, but at least he was good at delivering speeches, so I could sort of understand why people would think he was intelligent enough to actually understand

I still don’t really buy million-dollar home owners as non-wealthy, but I recognize that line is drawn differently depending on the cost of living of one’s particular area. (I would still draw it quite a bit lower than you do, since I’ve looked at both what my job pays and what the best job in my career path pays in

You have a very strange definition of “wealthy” if it doesn’t include people who can afford million-dollar houses. (I also have no idea why you believe everyone in McMansions came from humble origins and worked hard to acquire them, given that numerous studies have shown that the best predictor of how wealthy one will

The houses she mocks, pretty much by definition, have way more than the space you (or anyone) needs. One of her favorite things to make fun of is what she calls the “Pringles can of shame,” which is a ridiculous multi-story cylindrical foyer that is utterly useless for any purpose other than showing off the fact that

Leaving aside all the other horrible things about anti-vaxers in general and Tony Muhammad in particular, calling autistic kids “zombies and Frankensteins” is ableist as fuck. Because apparently just trying to convince parents to expose their children (and other people’s children, and anyone who’s immunocompromised,

Yeah, I feel like both sides of this issue ought to just be summed up as “don’t take this shit so seriously or worry so much about other people’s choices” - so, if you’re invited to a pirate-themed wedding, either (a) dress like a pirate and go have fun, (b) ask the couple if they’re cool with you coming without

Yup. As another autoimmune-diseased person, I would understand the offense if she’d said, “being famous is exactly like having an autoimmune disease, like, it’s sooooooo hard you guys!” or something, but “being friends with someone super-famous is kind of like being friends with someone with an autoimmune disease

Those are all good plays! I also enjoy Some Lady Leaves Her Husband, A Couple Acts Weird in Front of Their Guests, A Greek Dude Bangs His Mom, and Harry Potter Wants to Bang a Horse or Something.

I love the many, many layers of stupidity in that tweet, ranging from the obvious “that’s not even the fucking title, you dipshit” part that Erin pointed out to “no one either in real life or in The Crucible was burned at the stake in Salem” to “the people being accused of witchcraft are not exactly presented as

If I might offer a counterpoint, I’m sure there are at least a fugue good people here sharp enough to understand the tenor of this conversation. So please, continuo!

THANK YOU. Not even a lawyer, and that drives me up the fucking wall. “There was no evidence, just testimony” is like saying, “There was no money, just a stack of $10 bills.” 

The fact that you think “too drunk to consent but otherwise willing” is a phrase that makes sense is a huge problem. If a toddler is “willing” to give you a blow job, that toddler did not consent to sexual activity, because they’re a fucking toddler and they are incapable of consenting. No decent human being says,

You know, I am not someone who normally wishes physical harm on others.

Yeah, I get uncomfortable with the need to make Ivanka outwardly “ugly” so we can somehow feel better about hating her. She is clearly conventionally physically attractive (in large part because she’s gotten quite a bit of plastic surgery to make her that way). She’s also a piece of shit, while many people who are

Yup. I’ve been a Broadway nerd since I was very, very young. (And I do mean very, very young - my dad had cassette tapes of a bunch of musicals he’d always play on car rides, and I was very happily singing along with them by the time I was two years old. I think my dad was fairly clever on that front, since other

To “beg the question” is basically to state something that omits some reasoning or evidence that was needed. So, basically, if I were to say, “The Great Comet should have won more Tonys, because I like pizza,” I am begging the question “What does you liking pizza have to do with how many Tonys The Great Comet should

It’s pretty much like that across any realm that’s supposedly “women’s work.” Fashion is a “feminine” activity, but high fashion is dominated by men. Cooking? Totally a woman’s job at home, but fancy chefs running acclaimed restaurants are almost all male. Teaching? Totally a girly job, but the highest-paid, most