Nicely done, heh. I added a tiny little tweak to make it match up exactly with what Trump thinks formal banquets should involve:
The bit where he transitions directly from “I’m content because I know better than all you stupid, ignorant people” to “you need to destroy your ego” is hilarious enough that I truly hope it was intentional.
Men have the exact same right as women: to control their own bodies. They also have the exact same responsibilities as women toward any children of theirs that have been born. You have the right to opt out of parenthood at any point before your physical contribution to that process ends. You do not get to have a BONUS…
I can think of very, very few things that “support the troops” and “honor the troops” less than implying that all of them spend their time thinking, “Hmm, should I murder any unarmed civilians today? This is such a TOUGH CALL!”
Buttigieg is currently pretty low on my personal mental ranking of candidates, but all these anecdotes do is convince me that I probably would have enjoyed being friends with him at Oxford. He sounds pleasant, intelligent, and harmless, and as someone else who has cooked food specifically because it was in a book I…
A quick Google search says he grew up Catholic and one of the Rs is from his confirmation name. So, somewhere in between, kinda. He probably didn’t choose which saint to be named after solely in order to acquire Tolkien-like middle initials, but I can’t imagine Tolkien wasn’t on his mind when he decided to use that…
Her “Hey, wanna see an arrangement of words that sums up everything E.L. James has ever written?” comment on the recap of chapter 6 made me laugh for like ten minutes straight. Jenny Trout is a goddamn national treasure.
My guess would be a little different:
Uh, what? McCaskill is definitely pro-choice, and she voted against Kavanaugh. If you didn’t support her because someone told you otherwise, you got duped.
I literally yelled, “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” at my computer at that point in the article. I’ve long since become a bitter, cynical person who fully expects the police not to give a shit about rape victims, but “a cop decided a freaking seven-year-old was probably lying about being raped simply because she…
My life story sounds a whole lot like yours. You’re not a fool, you don’t need to apologize for sharing your story, and you’re not alone. I wish you all the best in escaping manipulative assholes and finding a future where people treat you with the love and respect you deserve.
Feminists, gather round.
I liked that she apparently specifically wanted the surgical scar on her back to be clearly visible because she wanted to make a public point of there being more than one way to be beautiful. That’s actually pretty cool.
Hell, you don’t even have to castrate or otherwise maim him. Just lock him in a cell where he has no access to television or the internet, no one ever says his name or praises him in any way, no one listens to him ramble about himself, and the only available entertainment is reading actual books (none of which are…
Beyond the utter vileness (and utter wrongness) of suggesting Ford was “too ugly to rape,” this is a deeply fucking gross thing to do to the actual woman in the photo, who, being a human woman, has very probably experienced some form of sexual harassment or assault, and who is now getting used as some sort of poster…
Aside, of course, from the
She’s a decade older than Matt Smith was when he was cast in the same role. (She’s also older than David Tennant and Peter Davison were when they started their runs.)
The Doctor was most certainly not conceived as a man. The Doctor was conceived as an ancient alien superficially resembling a human, who can change into a new being with a completely different form and a distinct personality instead of dying. It is utterly nonsensical to claim that said alien entity can change every…
Speaking as a disabled woman, FUCK THIS SHIT.